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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/10/14 in Posts
9 points
First prison post!
benpenguin2 Revered and 8 others reacted to PickAxis1 for a post in a topic
Don't worry, we're not going to take 6-7 months to get this up once we start working on it. -
7 points
HOOOSK Owner and 6 others reacted to Wrena for a post in a topic
Most people on Minecraft have their own little special skins they've made or found online that they like, but the thing about minecraft skins is that they're usually not all that detailed. I mean you can only put, what, 8x8 dots on the face? Lame. So, I guess why I'm here is: I want to help bring your Minecraft skin to life! I've already done a few (as you may have seen of BnJ and Husker's), but I've done some more to give you a better example of what I'm trying to say. I did Bill1993, Flawless_Method (aka. Waddles), and portalBlock, shown below. If you would like me to draw your skin, just comment I guess. I need your full Minecraft name, case sensitive, and a little description of what your skin is. If you'd like me to put a little artistic freedom into my drawings, then I'm more than likely going to be a little weird with my creativity. (: -Wrena -
7 points
Fan Art
NickG365 Owner and 6 others reacted to Wrena for a post in a topic
So I've been in a major art block lately, so I doodled this really quick. Hopefully they're be more of these to come! -
7 points
Christmas/Holiday Build?
SCNickNamer Builder and 6 others reacted to Seagull195 for a post in a topic
Hey, guys! I was wondering, since it's getting close to that time of year, if we could do a holiday build competition? I think doing it would be a ton of fun like the super hero/villain build. Like, it'd be a holiday theme, such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas. Would that be possible? -
7 points
Survival Games Spawn
benpenguin2 Revered and 6 others reacted to Korexas Builder for a post in a topic
Finally! After days and days, hours and hours spent on this spawn I finally finished it! I really hope that you'll like it Full album can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/K3GNM -
6 points
Ender Becomes a Teacher : Towny Lesson
ninjabou Revered and 5 others reacted to Miss_Val Mod for a post in a topic
Town: /town new [Town Name] Costs $5,000 Needs money to be kept up, see below /town deposit [amount] Adds money to the town bank Only mayors can take money out, See below /town withdrawl [amount] Removes money from the town bank. /town add [name] Gives players an interface to join your town. Looks like: /accept /deny Only Assistant and Mayors can invite players to town. /town toggle open Allows players to: /town join [town name] If you dislike this choice, just type it again and it will turn off. Mayor command /town kick [name] Kicks players from your town Assistant and Mayor command /town rank [Add/Remove] [Name] [Assistant/Vip] Gives player the given rank, Must be a resident Mayor command /town claim Claims a 16x16x256 area (one chunk) for players to claim Costs money to claim so have some in the town bank. /town claim outpost Claims a 16x16x256 area that doesn't have to be connected to your town. /town set outpost Makes a townblock into an outpost block /town set homeblock Changes the plot in which is labeled [Home] Withholds the town spawn Mayor Command /town set spawn Changes the block players spawn on in your town. Must be in the towns homeblock Mayor command /town spawn Teleports you to your towns spawn /town spawn [town name] Teleports you to another towns spawn Ex: /town spawn Excelsior /town toggle public Allows non-residents to teleport to your town with the above command. Mayor command /town set board [message] Changes the message residents of your town see when they log in. Mayor command Plots: /plot claim Claims one chunk, 16x16x256 Mayor and Assistant command /res toggle plotborder Shows where the chunks are with black particles when you cross over a chunk border. This will be what /town claim will actually take. /plot set perm [Resident/Ally/Outsider/Friend] [Build/Destroy/Item/Switch] [On/Off] Gives players of that "Rank" the given ability. /res friend add [Name] Makes said player your Friend. Friends will be able to build/destroy on plots after above command is used to specify they can do so. /plot claim Claims a plot thats "for sale" in a town /plot set [Shop/Embassy/Wilds/Spleef/Inn/Arena] Changes plot type /plot [fs/nfs] [Price] Makes a plot For Sale (fs) or Not For Sale (nfs) at given price /plot set name [Name] Changes the name you see when you enter the plot Nation: /nation new [Name] Creates a Nation Costs $10,000 You can Invite other Town into your Nation /nation add [Town] Invites a Town to your nation /nation kick [Town] Kicks said town from your Nation. /nation deposit [amount] Adds money to your nation's bank /nation withdrawl [amount] Removes money from the nation's bank -
6 points
Voting Contest
Meg1626 Mod and 5 others reacted to Miss_Val Mod for a post in a topic
HEY GUYS! Ender here. I have something that I feel needs to be said. So, while you are on the server, every now and then you see where players vote. If you don't already I would like you to as well. Voting comes with a lot of perks like things in /shop. In creative you can get things like world edit. On skyblock you can buy island warps and survival you can get things like /stack or /fly. These are all really cool things that are purchased with the tokens you earn from voting and you can get them too! At the beginning of every month the owners, Nick and Husker, post the top voters. If you are one of those people you can get coins to get things from /buy (pretty sure that's the command) with these you can purchase ranks that allow you to do special things like /back or own vaults that allow extra space. Along with that you get more tokens! Not only does voting benefit you, but it benefits the owners by moving us higher on the minecraft server lists. The higher we are, the more friends we have to join us who may purchase ranks of their own or vote. With this Nick and Husker can use the money they make to pay for not only the server but future additions such as , for say, Skygrid or Prison. To make PickAxis a better place, I want you guys to vote every day. Don't worry, I'll join too. All these things I mentioned, yall can have. Just vote daily for the amazing rewards. Bring your friends on to the server, remind them to vote. Tell people about PickAxis. Follow us on Twitter, create a forums account, participate in contests, help other players, and lastly be very active. Keep up to date with everything. Making PickAxis the best server it can be isn't just Nick, Husker, and the staff team's job. It's yours too, we need your help to do this, as a team. To make things even more fun I'm going to host a little game. If you bring friends on the server, tell them to tell me that (insert gamer tag here) invited you to PickAxis and I will give you a reward. Along with that, who ever votes the most in the months, January , February , March, April, and May, will receive a special present from myself on which ever sub-server you choose. How to get your present? I will mail you in the lobby, do /mail read to check. Thank yall! Happy voting! If you have any questions feel free to message me on Twitter, in game, pm on forums, or just simply post it here. If every one plays this game, I will continue to host it, even after May. -
6 points
New YouTube Video
gavinater711 Guide and 5 others reacted to collinsohn Admin for a post in a topic
Hey guys, Just finished the new youtube video today. here ya go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVtKkQw8T64&list=UUnft_mTGmc_xGlzDM01HV6g This post has been promoted to an article -
6 points
Best MC Birthday Present :D
Scar and 5 others reacted to TemtiaStardust Revered for a post in a topic
Thank you everyone who helped make this. You guys are awesome Thanks go to Sway, Scar, Miku, Blackops, and Pinball! you guys are awesome ;-; -
5 points
The Drop Party
Meg1626 Mod and 4 others reacted to SheTolerance Admin for a post in a topic
My Fellow Pickaxians, The time has come for us to celebrate the independence of diamonds, cobble and zombie flesh, well drop them from above. There will be a weekend packed with events that will of course include our famous drop parties on both Skyblock and Survival, we know how much you love them! The times and dates will be: Skyblock drop party - Saturday 2nd July - 10pm (BST) 5pm (ET) 3pm (MDT) 9am (NZST) Survival Drop Party - Sunday 3rd July - 10pm (BST) 5pm (ET) 3pm (MDT) 9am (NZST) Other times for games and events will be announced shortly. Now for your job: We need donations. The more we have the longer the party will be! The more stackable items the longer the party will be. With your help we can make this the best drop party ever! -
5 points
gavinater711 Guide and 4 others reacted to Miku Forum Mod for a post in a topic
Miku the Forum Whore claims the first post on this new KitPvP section. When this game mode comes out all shall bow to the epic Miku. You wanna 1v1? Too bad I shall come and intterupt your 1v1 with mah sexy leather goddess armor. -
5 points
What will you do while the mojang log in servers are down
Bill Admin and 4 others reacted to portalBlock Dev for a post in a topic
I will attempt to research a distributed artificial neural network utilizing Apache Hadoop for DDoS analysis. If this concept works I will then proceed to run around outside screaming in joy, if not then I will probably go study math. -
5 points
Congrats to all the new staff!
Miss_Val Mod and 4 others reacted to SheTolerance Admin for a post in a topic
Welcome and congrats to everyone that have been made staff. Very much deserved for all of you!! If you need any help then don't hesitate to ask!! If you applied for staff and didn't get it, don't worry, it doesn't necessarily mean you're not going to. If you are looking to want to become staff you can apply here If you are not staff...be gentle and patient with the new guys Clare -
5 points
3 Reasons to Vote
Bill Admin and 4 others reacted to SheTolerance Admin for a post in a topic
#1 - you get tokens, and what do tokens make.... cool things! You can get 50 tokens each day which can be spent on survival skyblock, skywars for cool perks. Just do /shop and see what you can save up for.... So you have purchased all of the perks over all servers? #2 - the top 3 voters each month get a cash reward to spend on the server to buy ranks. What? So you have obsidian rank across all of the servers? You have everything you could possibly need and the tokens are just building up? #3 Keep voting to support this awesome server. A lot of blood sweat and tears go into making this server as great as it is and we all want to make it bigger and better. Voting pushes us up the ranks and the higher we get the more players we can get. Pickaxes is nothing without all you amazing players. We love each and everyone of you and we hope you love us back! Click here and show us your love. -
5 points
Uni Admin and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
Since I had so many requests for more drawings (see above...), here is another beautiful piece of my artwork: -
5 points
Uni Admin and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
I take requests.... In lieu of a request, here is a lamp: -
5 points
Want to be a PickAxis YouTuber/Streamer?
Afallingfuton and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
We've started featuring YouTubers on our YouTube Channel. (Subscribe here: https://pickaxis.tv) We will be actively growing the channel in the coming month and we would like to help you grow with us. If you would like a video added to our YouTuber playlist, link it in this post and we will review it before posting it. If we see enough good PickAxis content, we will add your channel to our growing list of YouTubers who we will be promoting, along with the server. How does this benefit you? You want to grow your audience, we do too. Let's grow together!We aren't looking for experts, but with practice, we can all become experts. Making videos only helps you get better. Make some PickAxis videos and get featured! How does this benefit us? These videos give us something to talk about and share (instead of sharing Husker's boring videos over and over again!)You never know when a PickAxis YouTuber could become the next {insert your choice of good YouTuber name here}. Let's grow together! -
5 points
Hello Human lifeforms!
Brobe40 and 4 others reacted to Uni Admin for a post in a topic
Well hello all you puppies and kittens! For those who don't know me, my name is UnicornHorn! Long time MC player, as well as console gamer, board game player, and cellphone app beater. I'm a mommy of one 2yr old super mutant, wife of my manslave for almost 3 years, and the pet/butler to two dogs and one cat. I'm an at home mom who frequently visits Best Buy in disguise as an employee. Um....OH! I'm an old lady so yeah, I demand manners and polite behavior from all minions in my immediate vicinity. I work in the medical field and apologize in advanced if I go all crazy medical talk on you. Whelp if you need more info, please make an appointment with my secretary or find me. I'm almost as good as waldo when it comes to hiding so good luck! Always and forever -Uni- -
5 points
Black Market
Mike Guide and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
I heard there's a black market in Survival. With prices no other can rival And no one will know That it's hidden below A house in the spawn You'll search all day long so... If you know where it is, don't tell! If you know what it buys, do sell! Please grab me some boots And some other cool loots And soon we'll be living so well -
5 points
benpenguin2 Revered and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
I have a new desktop background on my computer. You can use it too, if you'd like. Here it is! - Click here for the original image to download. -
5 points
Art thing
pokeball92870 and 4 others reacted to ninjabou Revered for a post in a topic
Here you go Husker, I posted it to pickaxis. holy crud the resolution is high. -
5 points
PickAxis Weekly Update (11/20/14)
gavinater711 Guide and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
PWU (PickAxis Weekly Update) - 11/20/14 What's New? Tokens! You can now earn 50 tokens a day from voting and in the near future even more from winning minigames and/or contests. Do /tokens to see your balance and /shop to spend your tokens on each server. Need help? Ask below or find a staff member.Double jump & Glider in the lobby: <3 This glider plugin was made especially for PickAxis. Let portalBlock know how much you love it...and try not to just hang out in the lobby and jump all night (like I tend to do). Voting: We are now listed on 5 different MC server lists. Voting for our server makes us more visible to those looking for a new MC home. Please help us rise in the lists to attract the MC-homeless. We can and will show them a loving home. Remember to vote every 24 hours!Forum trophies: By now you will have seen little icons under your name on forum posts. These are trophies that represent events you participate in, contests you win, or any other little reason we see to reward trophies. How many can you collect? What's Coming? Heroes vs. Villains Build Contest!: helios8385 is in charge of getting our next build contest up and running. Building should start this weekend sometime. Good luck to everyone!Surprise server: There is a server that, if we start getting enough players on, we will launch in the next few weeks. Who's excited? This girl is! This post has been promoted to an article -
5 points
Get Banned (Game)
Miku Forum Mod and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
I found NickG365's hideout room in the lobby and told everyone where it was. I don't know why I did it. It's one of those things you just do when you find a treasure. I announced my find to everyone on Teamspeak. Little did I know that Nick was also in the Teamspeak channel. Oops! "What do I do?" I thought to myself. I left the Teamspeak channel and went to the lobby to apologize over private messages to him. Upon seeing me approach his hideout, Nick got mad and slammed his wooden door in my face. Surely he knew I was just there to apologize, but he wanted none of it. At this point, a lot of people had already congregated around his hidden room and some had even entered and started poking at his stuff. Nick became irate when some unknown n00b knocked his mixer to the ground and all the knobs slid out of place. His face turned red and he started physically shoving people out. I hid behind the door, because I was afraid he'd turn green, rip his shirt off, and then rip me to shreds at this point. Sadly, Nick had no resource pack on or I may have been able to hide more effectively while crouching, but because he was using the default pack he saw me right through the wooden door window. He sprinted over to the door, slammed it closed and he started fuming like a steam engine on a train. Bubbles started coming out of his mouth and one also came out of his nose. I had to work hard not to laugh but my overwhelming desire to giggle was overshadowed by the sweat dripping off my cheek. I stood up straight against the wall where the door once partially hid me from this raging bull. I had no idea what to do at this moment and in fear, my trembling fingers took control over my keyboard. "/kick N" was what they typed and my pinky lightly hit "Enter". That was all that Nick needed to fuel his anger even more. Within seconds I found myself refreshing my server page on Minecraft hoping it wasn't true. I had been banned by NickG365. -
5 points
What in the world is Geeves building?
Fairly_Devious and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
MLP Battle Arena....duh! -
5 points
The journey of a little unicorn...
benpenguin2 Revered and 4 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
4 points
New AFK guidelines and reminders - Survival
Mike Guide and 3 others reacted to SheTolerance Admin for a post in a topic
Hey all, I just wanted to run through a recent rule change and some reminders for you all. As some of you may be aware we have updated the rules with regards to players being AFK on survival. The rule (number 1) now states the following "Do not AFK for extended periods of time, or near anything that could negatively impact other player's experience" This means you will be kicked if you afk for long periods of time, especially at automatic farms. Extended periods of time is generally 30-45 mins or longer. All staff can check your last known movements and will try to communicate with you before kicking you. One thing we have noticed recently is the amount of players making long strip mines in the normal world. Please refrain from doing this as we do not want the whole world chopping up. The mining world is a great place for resources, and is reset monthly, so please use it for your resource gathering. Can I please ask players to stop begging or demanding other players and staff for items, death points or certain locations. It is not a staff members job to find your stuff after death or finding places you have lost. I will help players where I can but I will only do so when shown respect from the player, not when I am told I have to. Every item on Minecraft is replaceable. Remember your manners! Finally, please refrain from "fake" auctions. continuously putting an auction up when you intend on cancelling it is a little unfair, especially on newer or players with little money. Thank you for your continued support on the Pickaxis server and your understanding on these matters, I welcome any suggestions and feedback on this Have a great day Clare -
4 points
4 points
Community farms..
mpclass3 and 3 others reacted to SheTolerance Admin for a post in a topic
Hey guys, As many of you know I, in the past, have made enderman farms in the end after the monthly reset. I just wondered how everyone feels about this, how much they were used and if it is work carrying on doing. So I have a couple of questions: Did you like that we had a community farm? Did you use the farm? Would you like me to build another enderman farm when the end resets? Would you like to build a community farm? (enderman, blaze, wither, gold) I'm interested to hear your feedback Thanks Clare -
4 points
4 points
[parkour] Most awesome skyblock parkour coming
killaboymol Mod and 3 others reacted to vertigolf Mod for a post in a topic
Hellow skyblockaassss! I am currently building a huge parkour on skyblock. The parkour can be practised from now on. When the parkour is finished i will update this post and i will also explain the rules on how to make money out of it! Here are some teaser pics to warm you all up! Level 1: Lobby: Lets bounce people! -
4 points
Husker was having a bad day....
Meg1626 Mod and 3 others reacted to Ronnie for a post in a topic
Viewer discretion is advised Can anyone guess who it is? -
4 points
large New Map Being Built - (Keep Updated)
Meg1626 Mod and 3 others reacted to Brobe40 for a post in a topic
Hey Guys so as some may be aware I have been working on a new Map for the server over the past few weeks, and is still under Development Here you can see the Process of the build that I have done and Will continue to add new Images for you all to see and be amazed xD Hope you all enjoy this build! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 -
4 points
Late Night Antics
Uni Admin and 3 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
Ha ha! Is that like this outfit? -
4 points
Late Night Antics
HOOOSK Owner and 3 others reacted to Uni Admin for a post in a topic
I also occasionally wear other peoples meat on my head as well. I mostly enjoy the wings of small frail computer nerds. Takes less time to...dispose...of the remains. -
4 points
life and live streaming
NickG365 Owner and 3 others reacted to adensem for a post in a topic
I'm 30, male, married, all around gamer, and work in a warehouse. Also I live stream and plan to live stream this server. Funny thing is this server was recommended to me from someone on another server after we got to talking for awhile. I explained that I can't seem to find a server that has this and that and the person pointed me to here. So I hopped on and was shocked to see a survival server that actually challenges you to survive! I'm not angry about it but I did facepalm at the fact that so many "survival" servers didn't have mobs, what was I suppose to survive? Boredom? Anyways That's the extent of my intro. -
4 points
The Little Emporium of Awesomeness
Meg1626 Mod and 3 others reacted to ZTolerance Admin for a post in a topic
Come one and all! As many of you will already know, we decided to finally open our own store this week. After our initial success, we secured enough funding for an expansion and as such we would like to welcome you all to our new and improved Emporium of Awesomeness located at /is warp ZTolerance. The L.E.A. houses a variety of goods and services to suit the vast needs and tastes of all. If you cannot find what you are looking for then let us know and we will try to rectify it! We are currently holding eight attempted thieves who are now being forced into servitude to look after special trades for each and every one of you, the only rule is you do not hurt them as the humiliation of being here is enough punishment! So come on down to the Little Emporium of Awesomeness Enjoy -
4 points
Tag in The Lobby!
ThatepicTnTguy and 3 others reacted to turtle90 for a post in a topic
I was wondering if you guys could add tag to the lobby! A player would do ./tag to start the game announcing to all the players present, to type ./tag to join and that (player name) is it! It could even be seasonal! You could have snowball fights for Christmas or whatever! Just a thought to keep people busy:) Thanks, turtle90 -
4 points
Who will win Super Bowl XLIX?
gavinater711 Guide and 3 others reacted to portalBlock Dev for a post in a topic
Super bowl? -
4 points
The 2nd Dragon Slayer! 12/22/14
benpenguin2 Revered and 3 others reacted to Mighty_Jak for a post in a topic
I, Jak, have killed the Ender Dragon! With the Help of RoboticCreeper10 and Gsdcs29615 (Thanks for helping!) I Shot the last Arrow to the Ender Dragon.... The Dragon was killed at 12:50 PM 12/22/14 The Last Crstal... Finish Him! Fatality! We Did it! -
4 points
Guess who's back! Let's STREAM to celebrate!
Luckystratjacket and 3 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
Time zone translation: 10pm CET = 4pm EST (New York) 3pm CST (Texas) 2pm Mountain (Colorado) 1pm PST (California) -
4 points
Sweating the small stuff
benpenguin2 Revered and 3 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
White Collar Criminal Criminal Lawbreaker Offender Villain Delinquent Felon Convict Culprit Inmate Thief Hacker Killer Murderer Arsonist -
4 points
4 points
Funny Minecraft
Luckystratjacket and 3 others reacted to HOOOSK Owner for a post in a topic
BTW....NickG365 hates this -
4 pointsFor those of you who play League of Legends you know what Summoners Rift is. For those of you who don't it's basically the playing map for 5v5 matches. There are three main paths with towers for each team on each, in between the lanes is jungle with wolves and the like. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to make it in Minecraft! I found a few pictures of it already built in minecraft, but none of them to the caliber that I think we're capable of. I'll start building it hopefully sometime today, but because of school it may be longer than that. If anyone is interested in helping, great! Let me know! Here's what it looks like
4 points
Minecraft Pick Up Lines
Bill Admin and 3 others reacted to Dansors Guide for a post in a topic
You must be a redstone torch, because you're extending my piston! -
4 pointsare you an enchanting table?, cuz you just gave me Sharpness IV.
4 points
Highlight of Your Day
Hephaestus and 3 others reacted to Miku Forum Mod for a post in a topic
This is my highlight Everyday. -
4 points
piemaster and 3 others reacted to Pinball7wiz Revered for a post in a topic
Hello, I'm Pinball7wiz, I often dabble in sweg and enjoy mining out 100x100 town areas, then leaving them for gg. I often use the terms gg and toplel. Sway is my bae, back off scar. Favorite server is factions. Look forward to seeing you all in-game. -
4 points
4 points
[Map preview] flower mountain
TheDiamondKing and 3 others reacted to David Mitchell (Astro) Mod for a post in a topic
So this is what those maps look like without shaders
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