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  1. Like
    Jinx reacted to SCNickNamer Builder in Name a Game Game   
    No jinx, the game you respond cannot have the last letter of the previous word.  So your Fate ends with an e so my game cannot have an e in it.
    so the next person to post cannot post a game with an o.
  2. Like
    Jinx got a reaction from m00s3 in Minecraft Summoners Rift   
    For those of you who play League of Legends you know what Summoners Rift is. For those of you who don't it's basically the playing map for 5v5 matches. There are three main paths with towers for each team on each, in between the lanes is jungle with wolves and the like. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to make it in Minecraft! I found a few pictures of it already built in minecraft, but none of them to the caliber that I think we're capable of.
      I'll start building it hopefully sometime today, but because of school it may be longer than that.
    If anyone is interested in helping, great! Let me know!
    Here's what it looks like

  3. Like
    Jinx got a reaction from benpenguin2 Revered in Space Build Contest   
    Still don't see why builds can't be offensive. Only being able to build defensivly really limits the imagination.
  4. Like
    Jinx got a reaction from HOOOSK Owner in Space Build Contest   
    Still don't see why builds can't be offensive. Only being able to build defensivly really limits the imagination.
  5. Like
    Jinx reacted to Mighty_Jak in Ant and Courtney, the Patapons in love.   
    Some of you may have read my two books i made on survival, ( if not tell me when i'm on survival).
    Ant is the one with the two swords, Courtney is the one with the bow and arrow.
    Ant: He is he duel sword wielding Dekapon, he is a fast hitter and runner even for his size. Always never gives up until death, He has swore to the Mighty Patapon himself that he would protect and keep Courtney safe with his life. Ant has always loved Courtney, but the reason is unknown.
    Courty: She is a fasting shooting Yumipon, she is brave and never gives up! She fights many beasts and monsters with Ant, but together they can win. Even tough they are small, they never give up. Courtney has not idea that Ant likes her. Ant has always keeped it a secret because he is to shy to tell her his feelings.
  6. Like
    Jinx reacted to SCNickNamer Builder in Count to 1.000.000 and back   
    544, that is because in Dutch ( and a lot of other languages ) 1 million is written as 1.000.000 and 1 euro 50 is 1,50
  7. Like
    Jinx reacted to pokeball92870 in How Long It Will Take To Reach 1,000,000   
    I was recently replying to the forum "Count to 1.000.000 and back" when I saw a comment that looked like this:

    So I got curious and I decided to pull out my calculator and answer the question:
    How long will it take to get 1 million at the current rate of posting?
    Well, the forum was created on July 28, 2014, 182 days from today, January 25, 2015.
    We are at the number 344.

    344 posts / 182 days = ~1.89 posts/day.
    We post ~1.89 numbers a day. Using this rate to calculate how long it would take to get to 1,000,000-

    1,000,000 / 1.89 posts/day = 529,100.529 days
    529,100 days / 365 days (1 year) = 1,449.589 years (not counting leap years)

    Expect to finish on Friday, March 13, 3463. (Friday the 13th )
    How long will it take to reach 1,000,000 in one year?
    60 seconds * 60 minutes = 3,600 seconds (1 hour)
    3,600 seconds (1 hour) * 24 hours = 86,400 seconds (1 day)
    86,400 seconds (1 day) * 365 days = 31,536,000 seconds (1 year)
    31,536,000 seconds (1 year) / 1,000,000 (the number we need to get to) = 31.536 seconds

    So, it'll take a message posted every 31 and a half seconds to reach one million in one year.
    UPDATE [1/26/15]!
    So, today, a lot of numbers then the current rate were posted on the forum. I think I need to give updated info.

    The forum was created on July 28, 2014, and today is January 26, 2015, which is 183* days.
    We are at number 370.
    370 posts / 183 days = ~2.02 posts/day
    1,000,000 posts / 2.02 post/day = 495,049.504 days
    Now, we need to subtract the days we have already used (which I didn't do last time)
    495,049 days - 183 days = 494,866 days
    494,866 days / 365 days (1 year) = 1355.797 years (not counting leap years)
    So one variable can throw off an entire calculation!
    Expect to finish around
    Tuesday, December 19, 3369
  8. Like
    Jinx reacted to 9monkeys Builder in Epic Winter Wonderland Build Contest Winners!   
    ooooh, taken on the big leages ey jinxey? XD
  9. Like
    Jinx reacted to SCNickNamer Builder in Epic Winter Wonderland Build Contest Winners!   
    What jinx means is that he wants to compete against us builders
  10. Like
    Jinx reacted to 9monkeys Builder in Epic Winter Wonderland Build Contest Winners!   
    hehe...great now I have to compete against nick and bird....with no second place......well looks about time to make a downsized version of my cathedral and copy/paste that around XD
    Does sound like a good idea though.
  11. Like
    Jinx reacted to pokeball92870 in [SUGGESTION] Rebrand the Creative Server   
    Now before we start, I'm not going to be dropping hate on the old creative server, just my own personal criticism on it's repetition. OK, let's begin.
    I have an idea for the creative server to not only make it more fun and enjoyable, but to create a cooler experience for the creative builders of PickAxis.
    The creative server, as is, is a basic, grid, plotme world, that can be seen in many Networks today. My idea is to not change this, but add onto it. Now sit back and prepare for a long read.
    Personally, PickAxis is one of my favorite servers, but the creative server is personally a server I don't pay much attention to; simply, the same kind of plot-experience is seen anywhere around the Minecraft community. My idea to further advance the creative server is give it a WoK-like-twist- as in create a world that is apply to build only- but keep the plots in a seperate world where new builders can show off their skills to staff rather than going online to submit pictures of what they've built. Create a new system of ranks seperating prestigious builders from simple, new builders to ones who've been accepted to build in the application-exclusive world. With this system, it not only allows people to easily collaborate to create amazing massive structures, but it gives great builders the freedoms of space, simplicity, and spam. By implementing a new server for approved builders, you are essentially giving the people who've proved themselves a greater reward by allowing them to work together to make a map beautiful.
    Even better, builders can come together to make fabulous structure that you can show off to attract newer, better builders!
    Now, if given the green-light (which I doubt) the task of setting up the plugins and creating a new, fool-proof system will definitely take much time. So, I've laid out some guidelines/suggestions in which you could go by if you so happen to approve of this idea-
    New players to the creative server are sent to the spawn, showing off the server's best builds and laying out the rules to the players. Upon going through spawn, you are taken to a rules-quiz room in which you must answer questions pertaining to the rules in order to actually get the ability to apply for building on the main world. If one passes this stage, they become a new builder, made distinct by a rank simply named [builder] and limited access to parts of the server.
    [builder]'s after this are given basic permissions, like the ability to chat and creative mode, etc. The new builders are then sent into a portal room bearing two portals- one to the main world, and one to the trial world.
    The trial world is the world in which builders claim a new plot to apply and be able to build in the main world, a place where approved builders can go together and create great structures. All builds built in the trial world should be built on plots to give the impression of building with detail, and not neccessarily in size or quantity. This allows the people who judge these builds (most likely builders or staff) to actually see the detail that the new [builder]'s are capable of.
    If a judge finds a builder's build to be worthy of the server, the [builder] is given new sets of permissions and a new rank, beaing the calling card of being approved to build in the main world. By now, this builder should be known in the creative community by other main world builders, so that the new and the old can get along well.
    ----------------- Everything past this mark is simply beyond the previous statements. ----------------------------
    If a main world builder is proven to be well known amongst the community (and the staff), all the while possessing great building skill, that person should be promoted further. At this controversial rank, this person shall gain a new rank perfix, along with new permissions, like the ability to setwarps or even WorldEdit to further deepen their impact on the server as a whole. These people should also be given the ability to build in a world exclusive to that rank. All builds in this world should be expected to look amazing, as it should be pretty difficult to gain this position of prestige and respect in the commmunity.
    That's really as far as I have gotten on this new idea. Drop a like if you support this, and add on by commenting below. I hope this is green-lit, but I understand how hard this would be for a server developer, me myself setting up and writing plugins before (which I simply do not have the time for anymore). I feel this idea has serious potential if taken seriously. It's up to you guys to really expose and exploit the potential that I speak of. That's all for now.
    EDIT 1: Spelling FIXES
  12. Like
    Jinx reacted to Bird Builder in [SUGGESTION] Rebrand the Creative Server   
    Ofcourse disagreeing is an opinion but opinions can be wrong ones! nah, just kidding. I do see your point but let me show you why there are still some things in your statement that I would love to change
    Unfortunately these plugins aren't perfect. Besides that, people have to catch the right staff online to fix stuff for them. This can mean that they can't work on their stuff for a while which might be annoying.
    I know. But that was exactly the part that I didn't like. I want EVERY rank to have world edit. Since it can't cause much harm and it improves build quality. Example: In my latest build for the winter build contest the plot was symmetrical in a way that I only had to create 1/8 of the plot. This still took me a lot of hours lets say 15 for this example so it would have taken me around 120 hours of building without world edit! Of course this number is no where close to exact but you get the idea.
    Well although this is about a different world it does not mean that we can't. The buildcontest is actually extremely relevant to the creative one and I have no clue why this would be a reason to exclude amazing stuff people build from being able to be seen after a contest is over in an extremely relevant world.
    YES, maybe I didn't word it too well. What I meant is that the challenge to get there is a lot of fun... BUT when you are "prestige" you wouldn't have that much of a drive anymore to build top notch stuff since you already achieved a guarantee of getting your build displayed in the coolest world. This is why I would rather have a gallery with the truly amazing builds. I actually don't mind giving people a higher rank for getting builds in the gallery though.
    Going back to my previous statement I would rather see:
    Trial world: only people who arent accepted yet can build here
    Main building world:  Only accepted can build here with the previous explained token system (These plot tokens can NOT be gained true tokens or money only with completing previous ones)
    Gallery/trophy (same thing): No one can build here. Only showcases amazing stuff creating the most amazing world you will ever see (also since every build in this world will be done)
    This is not even close to P2W a bad builder could make 100+ plots and not get in a good builder would most likely only need the first "free" one. Also do remember that tokens can be gained trough things like voting or building contest which are both free and promote the server.
    Why? Using my method only completely finished plots gets you more plots. This prevent people from unnecessary plot claiming. I actually strongly DISAGREE with a plot limit since after a while I would have 10 amazing plots but I wouldn't be allowed to continue building on this server?
    I hope it's clear by now EVERYONE needs world edit... Of course I could get it. But that doesn't matter to me I was lucky to join the fun early on, but I want people that are equally as good as me to not have restrictions even when it's just the beginning.
    Yes, don't underestimate a 399x399 plot. Remember the build contest plots? They are 150 x 150 (22500 B^2) a 399x399 plot (159201 B^2) is around 7 times that size!
  13. Like
    Jinx reacted to Bird Builder in [SUGGESTION] Rebrand the Creative Server   
    There are parts that I like and dislike about ideas of both pokeball and nickG lets start with the pokeball suggestions
    1. I don't like the quiz, although it's probably one of the less important things about your post if people mean harm they can't do much anyways because of plots. Why delay the fun? I would rather have an Accept terms command or force people to have a pickaxis.com account if you insist on anything close.
    2. Really small remark: The current rank "Builder" is used to see who's actually making maps for the people on the server to use. This is of course not that much of a problem but that does mean that does mean that one of the names would have to change (to something like "starter" for the creative server or "map maker" for the current builders)
    3. As a fanatic builder myself I would rather not see people without any World edit permissions even in judging phase since it can really improve builds a lot and make people not get bored simply because it's taking too long.
    4. I actually do really like the idea of a trial world and if anything like that happens I would love to judge.
    5. Just repeating that world edit is not only needed at the highest rank, I wouldn't even participate in a build contest without it.
    6. I don't think a prestige world is needed. I would rather have judges pick builds to put in a separate world since than it's always a fun challenge to try to get a build in the gallery world since no one will have guarantee. I would also put the winners from build contests in this "gallery" world.
    An now for NickG
    1. I like the idea of having multiple worlds with multiple styles. I don't see why the flat world would be needed though since the plot world is actually a nicer version of it. I would rather have people spending tokens on new plots.
    2. I didn't see the words World Edit in your post and well... You probably know by now how I think about it
    3. There will always be grievers and rollbacks are not perfect. Back when paradise existed we always had trouble with rollbacks since there are ways to dodge the possibility to do them or even ways to grief without getting caught with them. Also people tend to ruin stuff by accident here an example: When still on paradise I made a huge temple with one water source spreading across the whole thing. If anyone would update it by accident it would have cost me hours. But that's just one of many things. People are a lot of times building with a plan and need a certain area for it. If there would be no way of claiming someone else could start a build too close or use the area, since they don't know what someone is building. Protections would also not stop collabs since people could add others to their stuff. without protections people could also "help" on builds while the owner wouldn't want help at that moment. This actually causes unintentional grief.
    4. The thing I really liked about pokeballs idea is that it rewards players for amazing builds. I would have way more fun building in a world where I could get my build showcased or anything like that.
    And now for something completely different! Well actually not really... these are my ideas:
    I would love 3 worlds:
    1. Trial/spawn
    2. The main build world
    3. The trophy world
    They are pretty self explanatory but I will go in further detail anyway,
    1. A world where you join the first time explaining the system and how you can get perms for the other world. Besides that you get 1 plot in this world when done with this plot you get it judged with 2 possible outcomes:
    a. You get perms for the main build world. This would also mean that your plot that got you there would be featured in a special part of the trophy world called "promotion builds" or something like that. Quite a high level of building is expected for this.
    b. Your plot isn't good enough and you wont be allowed in to the main world... But no worries! you can use tokens to get new plots for extra attempts.
    2. A world where everyone accepted can get 3 plots and one more for every plot finished. People can clear their plots though so no need to finish fails. If a plot is amazing it gets put in the Trophy world in a special part called "Creative miracles" or something like that
    3. A world where previous worlds are showcased. In this world there is also a place to look at the build contest winners
    further things that need to be there:
    1. World edit in both building world with carefully selected perms
    2. UNEVEN PLOTS yes, this is actually really important even plots are the devil. It makes world editing more difficult and various symmetrical builds impossible. Uneven things also just look nicer in minecraft.
    3. different plot sizes would be cool for the main building world (being able to chose between 99x99, 199,199 or 399,399(smallest costing one of your plots middle size 2 biggest 3)
    I might throw some more thoughts here but this is it for now
  14. Like
    Jinx got a reaction from HOOOSK Owner in PickAxis Weekly Update (12/4/14)   
  15. Like
    Jinx reacted to Seagull195 in Christmas/Holiday Build?   
    Hey, guys! I was wondering, since it's getting close to that time of year, if we could do a holiday build competition? I think doing it would be a ton of fun like the super hero/villain build. Like, it'd be a holiday theme, such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas. Would that be possible?
  16. Like
    Jinx reacted to HOOOSK Owner in PickAxis Weekly Update (12/4/14)   
    PickAxis Weekly Update - 12/4/14

    What's New?
    Heroes & Villains Build Contest - Winners were announced this morning! Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated! You have already received your tokens for participating/winning and if you won PickAxis store credit, that will be applied to your account for when our store is live. November Top Voters - As a thank you to those who voted the most for PickAxis throughout November, we are giving the top 4 voters some extra tokens. A lot of extra tokens, actually! Be sure to vote throughout December to win Top Voter! December's top voters will receive even greater prizes, as it will be the first full month of voting. Winter Lobby & Challenges - Thanks to everyone who helped decorate our lobby for winter! You will find some fun challenges near the spawn point. There will be more challenges added daily. Hope you can find your way through the riddles! Santa's Missing Heads! - There are 20 missing Santa heads in the lobby. Can you find them all? Let us know if you can. Good luck! What's Coming?
    Real-money Store - If you would like to give to PickAxis, your chance is coming. We hope to have the store up within a few days. Watch the announcements for updates. Surprise Server - We've been testing a new server that has promise to be a ton of fun! We'll keep working hard and start giving hints about it soon. Surprise Winter Minigame - We're not 100% sure this is coming, but we are working to make it happen. Keep your eyes peeled and your throwing arm at the ready.

    Click here to view the announcement
  17. Like
    Jinx reacted to benpenguin2 Revered in Funny Minecraft   
  18. Like
    Jinx reacted to benpenguin2 Revered in Funny Minecraft   
    I apologize for this one in advance....

    Also I don't know if this one counts but the part about Laim I just found really funny.

  19. Like
    Jinx reacted to Miku Forum Mod in Minecraft Summoners Rift   
    I'll watch you build it.. c: Eating food. But yeah if you get that built put an M in the middle. Yes. A big blue M :3
  20. Like
    Jinx got a reaction from NickG365 Owner in Minecraft Summoners Rift   
    For those of you who play League of Legends you know what Summoners Rift is. For those of you who don't it's basically the playing map for 5v5 matches. There are three main paths with towers for each team on each, in between the lanes is jungle with wolves and the like. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to make it in Minecraft! I found a few pictures of it already built in minecraft, but none of them to the caliber that I think we're capable of.
      I'll start building it hopefully sometime today, but because of school it may be longer than that.
    If anyone is interested in helping, great! Let me know!
    Here's what it looks like

  21. Like
    Jinx got a reaction from 9monkeys Builder in Minecraft Summoners Rift   
    For those of you who play League of Legends you know what Summoners Rift is. For those of you who don't it's basically the playing map for 5v5 matches. There are three main paths with towers for each team on each, in between the lanes is jungle with wolves and the like. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to make it in Minecraft! I found a few pictures of it already built in minecraft, but none of them to the caliber that I think we're capable of.
      I'll start building it hopefully sometime today, but because of school it may be longer than that.
    If anyone is interested in helping, great! Let me know!
    Here's what it looks like

  22. Like
    Jinx got a reaction from HOOOSK Owner in Minecraft Summoners Rift   
    For those of you who play League of Legends you know what Summoners Rift is. For those of you who don't it's basically the playing map for 5v5 matches. There are three main paths with towers for each team on each, in between the lanes is jungle with wolves and the like. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to make it in Minecraft! I found a few pictures of it already built in minecraft, but none of them to the caliber that I think we're capable of.
      I'll start building it hopefully sometime today, but because of school it may be longer than that.
    If anyone is interested in helping, great! Let me know!
    Here's what it looks like

  23. Like
    Jinx reacted to wolfinmatrix in Plots for mega building   
    Hey guys I would like to point this out each plot is a fair size but what about the people that want to build mega builds taking around 4 plots?
    Yes I am aware of other players needing plots due to limited space .
    But is there a way players like this can get there requested plots?
    I have a big build taking up a whole plot but I would like to get more plots so I can rebuild the wall of the building and make it bigger 
    It currently looks like a big box.
    I think players that make mega builds would like the extra space to build what they desire .
    So tell me what you think
    Do you think we should be able to have more then just 1 plot for big builds?
  24. Like
    Jinx reacted to 9monkeys Builder in Plots for mega building   
    yeah, big plots would be awesome...not that the plots we have now aren't big, its just i need 1-1.5 more plots worth of space in my plot, to have my cathedral as a whole and not split up over several plots. Cant wait to try out world edit when i get the chance
  25. Like
    Jinx reacted to David Mitchell (Astro) Mod in Taking Nominations   
    9monkeys (193,134)
    Do you even cathedral?

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