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Everything posted by Meg1626

  1. We'll have obby soon enough, but no bedrock. Jason's little AFK box will be snazzy.
  2. I want some please! How about 500 blocks?
  3. I suck at PvP so I would spend all my time banned from being killed. xD
  4. So... we like to have a bit of fun late at night. Okay, we like to have fun all the time. Some may say too much fun, but I think it's juuuuussst right. xD http://prntscr.com/75e2xh
  5. I will be there with you! I may have to take a day off too, just I can play all day
  6. Day off tomorrow.. err today actually. Time to get some levels :D

    1. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      Nope, it's not gonna happen. Lol. I think I gained 100 levels today. xD

    2. minemanZZ


      whats you island level these days?

    3. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      1200 or 1300 now I think. Haven't logged on yet today and my island partner has been working hard all day. :D

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  7. I would say either locking your chests & clearing your /sethome or destroying everything seem like the best options. I don't think there's a way to completely go back to the beginning, you would just have to forget what you had and move on to something new.
  8. I will definitely try to be there but I usually work Saturdays at 3:30 or 4 EST Either way, I know everyone will have a blast!
  9. It's my weekend, the next two days off! Unfortunately I'll be on my parents computer during those two days, which is not necessarily a good thing. Wish me luck! xD

  10. I work all nights, pretty much every day, so I may not be able to link up with you guys. Just let me know. I'm also in EST.
  11. Congrats guys! Do good!
  12. Thanks twin! And I don't think words can express how happy I am to be playing with you guys again too. <3
  13. So I didn't keep it updated but I mostly reached my challenge goal http://prntscr.com/713lk4 http://prntscr.com/713mad http://prntscr.com/713n2o This was the main reason, my bottom layer <3 http://prntscr.com/713ltg Ahh well, there's always my next couple of days off lol
  14. Congrats to all the top voters! I'm coming after that top voter spot this month!
  15. Obsidian on Skyblock baby!! How do ya like me now? xD

    1. Bill

      Bill Admin

      would that be -9000?

      I'm sorry Poutine, but I don't go down levels. I only go up ;)

    2. collinsohn

      collinsohn Admin

      i dont really like ya any more... :I

    3. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      So mean collin. :(

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  16. Love the new challenges, especially LoudLibrarian <33 Thanks for the various new challenges each month
  17. Why thank you twin! Now that I've had some sleep, I shall begin again
  18. Day one is complete: http://prntscr.com/6zwd4d Got my farms up, started my y=1 layer and found a slime chunk, AND got my first iron farm built and the villys breeding. Also feeling a bit better too
  19. Hello my fellow PickAxians! As the title says I have four days off because I am feeling yucky. I will be sleeping, taking cold medicines galore, and playing non-stop Minecraft in between all of that. SO... I have decided to see how far I can get my island in those four days and will document the progress here, just for fun and so you all can see that I have no life outside of work and Minecraft. This is where I shall be starting: http://prntscr.com/6zepm6 http://prntscr.com/6zetgg All comments, suggestions, criticisms are welcome.

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