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Status Updates posted by HOOOSK

  1. SKYBLOCK! Let me grow my island with you!

  2. SO excited for HoloLens Minecraft!

    1. Bill

      Bill Admin

      A lens that is holo. duhhhh

    2. ScribNyan


      Ikr! It looks so... futuristic!

    3. David Mitchell (Astro)

      David Mitchell (Astro) Mod

      Plugin to let staff pick people up and drop them in lava?

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  3. So good to be home!!!

    1. Bill

      Bill Admin

      Welcome home, we all missed Hoosker

    2. xEviDentx
  4. So many happy hours to go to. I will soon start calling them "hours".

  5. So yesterday I streamed on accident. How does that happen?

    1. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      With great difficulty?

  6. Some days you gotta dance.

    1. Miku

      Miku Forum Mod

      Teach me how to dance Husker.

    2. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      Husk, are you the dancing queen of only 17?

    3. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Oh man....my dancing is embarrassing for me and the people watching me.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. Still no internet at my new place. I'm getting the shakes.

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      I'm still without the internets at my apartment. Pretty soon I will melt away and cease to exist.

    2. Bill
    3. TheGhostRacer


      pls nu decease your existence

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  8. Survival Drop Party Starting Now! /server survival ---- /warp drop

  9. SURVIVAL DROP PARTY TOMORROW! http://goo.gl/Y53aWd

    1. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      Woo! Can't wait!

    2. killaboymol

      killaboymol Mod

      ;( i cant join the dp

      cuz of school

  10. SURVIVAL DROP PARTY! Today at 4pm EST / 1pm PST. See you there!

    1. ZTolerance

      ZTolerance Admin

      1 hour 43 minutes!

  11. Tallying up judges votes on the build contest today! Woot!

  12. The builds in the contest are the best I've seen yet!

    1. KingPoutine
    2. Jinx


      Uh oh, doesn't sound good. I better get started!

  13. The End & Nether have been reset on Skyblock! Woot!

  14. The excitement is real.

    1. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      wait, if the excitement is real, does that mean the apathy is fake?

    2. Miku
    3. The12thDr

      The12thDr Revered

      Santa?! I KNOW HIM!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. The time I vote keeps getting pushed further and further deeper into the day that eventually I will have to stay up until 11:59pm to vote.

    1. Gsdcs

      Gsdcs Mod

      Set a time! I vote everyday at 5:32 xD (it was 5:30 but it was pushed 2 minutes later)

    2. Bill

      Bill Admin

      How's that cheating Mighty_Jak? They are stating they end missing a entire day worth of voting not gaining a day...

    3. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      wait... yeah how is that cheating?

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. This is my favorite pic of the day: http://i.imgur.com/mrpMeTL.png

    1. Dansors

      Dansors Guide

      I... look FABULOUS.

  17. Time to start voting on Skyblock challenges. Will get that up tonight.

    1. ZTolerance

      ZTolerance Admin

      wooo cannot wait :D

    2. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      Yay, that means new ones are coming!! Very excited. :)

  18. Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you. By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do.

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Song is stuck in my head.

    2. Bill

      Bill Admin

      My god, I have not heard this song in a long time. Not a bad song to get stuck in your head :P

  19. Tonight Helios will be on my 1st ever #FriendFriday video

  20. Vote for your favorite Skyblock challenge! Keep it alive! Alive! https://pickaxis.com/topic/620-vote-which-challenge-should-stay-may-2015

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