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Everything posted by Bill

  1. Alright, Alright, I got distracted last month and forgot to vote a few times but this month I shall be victorious > : )
  2. well lets mark a tally and see if people can do it again
  3. lel by who knows of a fraction of a second xD
  4. The community is by far one of the most important parts of any server in my honest opinion. It's one of the main reasons I love this server, and the other is that its ran by 2 awesome individuals. Anyway, I hope you have been enjoying the server, and I hope to see you around. OH! Don't forget to vote
  5. Still wrapping up the current build contest so I imagine we would have one once this one is all wrapped up! :3
  6. So sad... Thanks Giving break is over and now back to school .-.

    1. Mighty_Jak


      I hate school..... :(

    2. Korexas

      Korexas Builder

      I <3 school

      (i dont go to one :))

  7. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOW I missed my desktop <3

    1. Bill

      Bill Admin

      Running better then it ever has. New Thermal paste under the IHS new water pump. Old under load temps @ 5.0 Ghz was ~45-52c now I have yet to break 34c

    2. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      It told me that it didn't miss you. It said that you put your fingers all over it and make it go places it never wanted. It also said you sit in front of it and yell every single day.

      Be nicer to it this time around.

    3. Bill

      Bill Admin

      I shall burn it to the ground if it does not stay working this time >:)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  9. You learn everything for that subject over night and ace the exam. I wish I knew everything in Calc III (Vector Calculus) so I did not have to study sooooooooooooooo much for it.
  10. Could the universe be seen as a organism of something bigger, and each solar system being an element of that bigger thing and we as the human race a virus killing off this organism, and diseases that kill us is just the immune system of this bigger organism?

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