Hey guys, Just finished the new youtube video today. here ya go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVtKkQw8T64&list=UUnft_mTGmc_xGlzDM01HV6g This post has been promoted to an article
Here is a preview of my newest map. It is a very large mountainous area of radius 250. I won't talk too much about it and just show some pictures. Larger pictures can be found at http://imgur.com/a/WEr7m Map overview, spawn is in the centre and shows the location of some key features. Spawn area with the small church Forest with giant tree. Temple ruins with the marsh on the right and the forest in the back Pillar Village with the marsh and river and spawn in the background. Mountainside and spawn. Small cave underneath the mountainside Waterside Riverside gate. Mountain gate with the forest behind it. Sorry for the large post but this is a small update on the new map.
ohaidere o-o I'm Tem and I don't twerk. My ign is the same as my forum name, so come check out any bad builds I make I really can't build. Um what else. I have two cats. They're cool. Also, Scar is my sexy bb so yeah. kthx :3
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