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Status Updates posted by vertigolf

  1. Are you a bit sad?? Listen to this to cheer up your day :

  2. 1.8 is getting better and better! Just found out that my slime farm broke aswell

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Then break it back.

    2. vertigolf

      vertigolf Mod

      I did, its a cacti farm aswell now WIN WIN!

    3. Bill

      Bill Admin

      Yea in 1.8 slimes can kill the golems. I converted mine to a water farm since they tend to have a higher efficiency.

  3. A bit late, but merry christmas to you all

  4. A mere 40 minutes till my superawesome skyblock dropparty BE THERE!!!

  5. Going to be less online, long iternship days. 2h travel - 8h work - 2h travel

    1. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      Baby come back, you can blame it all on.... Nolan. xD

  6. Good morning campers!! Im back from Rome

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinball7wiz

      Pinball7wiz Revered

      Welcome back Verti!

    3. vertigolf

      vertigolf Mod

      good news i have regained about 7k

    4. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      NICE! Good to have you back.

  7. Hate those advertiser, had to give my first ban

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      *sips champagne* ahh, I remember my first ban

    3. Miku

      Miku Forum Mod

      Shuddap ben ill ban you :)

    4. benpenguin2

  9. My dropparty for skyblock has been moved to saturday because more people can be available! https://pickaxis.com/topic/488-vertigolfs-dropparty/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vertigolf

      vertigolf Mod

      even mob eggs!

      To this i responded with the addition of 2 stacks of gold, half a dub of gravel, some lapis and many more items, There are over 3 dubs of loot already :)))

    3. Korexas

      Korexas Builder

      I donated some mob eggs on accident. You should give them back to me :)

    4. Mighty_Jak


      Dont be selfish Kor!

  10. omg have to move my UID to next week instead of tomorrow, Time will be the same

  11. Sell meh dirt and iron in skyblock

  12. Selling roughly 4500 obsidian blocks on skyblock! Cheap! Order it now!

    1. ZTolerance

      ZTolerance Admin

      2,000 blocks please :D

    2. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      1 block, please.

  13. So when is the next dropparty??

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      We need one on Survival soon

  14. streaming on skyblock whenever i am online: http://twitch.tv/vertigolf

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Yay! I can't wait to troll...I mean watch you :)

    2. vertigolf

      vertigolf Mod

      can i like dis comment?

  15. Thanks for participating to this awesome dropparty! Thanks to the people that donated stuff!

    1. Mighty_Jak


      I hope you all had fun.

  16. The dropparty is getting closer and closer, with more donations and the dropparty room almost being finished! https://pickaxis.com/topic/488-vertigolfs-dropparty/

    1. Mighty_Jak


      Could you do one for survival?

    2. SCNickNamer

      SCNickNamer Builder

      Jak, if you would have read the reply to his topic (the reply to your comment) you would have read this: "I can make a dropparty in survival, but as i only have junk there it might be more prudent to let some core survival players do one"

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