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  1. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to Demoneyes2013 in Build contest idea   
    I have an idea on the next build contest. What if we could do a Dungeon build contest. JasonPrimate also suggested this and it would be a lot of fun, what do you think?
  2. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to NickG365 Owner in August and September's Top Voters   
    The results are in! September's top voters are...
    In 1st place,
    30 coins & 1000 tokens In 2nd place,
    20 coins & 800 tokens In 3rd place,
    10 coins & 600 tokens In 4th place,
    400 tokens In 5th place,
    400 tokens  
    And, in this month's double-feature, August's top voters were...
    In 1st place,
    30 coins & 1000 tokens In 2nd place,
    20 coins & 800 tokens In 3rd place,
    10 coins & 600 tokens In 4th place,
    400 tokens In 5th place,
    400 tokens  
    Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who supported PickAxis by voting! Who will be next month's top voters?

    View full announcement
  3. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to SheTolerance Admin in 4th July Results   
    Thank you to everyone that could join us for the weekend, I hope you all had a great time.
    I would also like to thank you all for your patience. We didn't use any mods for the games, they all needed manually setting up/building and, in some instances, took a little while to organise. 
  4. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to ZTolerance Admin in 4th July Results   
    I know this has been delayed a bit but I thought I would put up a little post to let you all know how the weekend event went and to officially announce the winners of the events. Before I do any of that I would like to thank all of you that turned up and took part, you really made the weekend worth it especially as there was quite a good mix of new and old faces which is always excellent!
    A lot of the events we tried for the first time and I would love feedback from you all on what was good/bad/could be improved on so we can make future events better for you all!
    Some of the big shoutouts for me is for the following: @adensem for helping with the streaming, @pyrolily for the builds, @NickG365 for being the awesome guy he is and @SheTolerance for all the hard work she put in trying to make sure it was ready for you all!
    So, time for the day one winners:
    Skyblock PvP
    @killaboymol came in first place with a 100% kill record and over 10 kills in various game modes
    @vertigolf finally completed his own course in one go and was the first to do so, @TheLavaMobGuy was extremely persistent and came ever so close so definitely deserves honourable mentions for that!
    Now it is time for day two winners!
    Sheep Herding
    We had a 3 way tie on this event mainly due to time constraints and that was @adensem, @JasonPrimate and @perplecraze1 it was a lot of fun watching you all try and guide those sheep!
    Your prize is various baaaaaaaaaaaad gifts  plus some other rewards that have already been given! Congratulations and thanks for all that joined!
    Survival PvP 
    Yet again @killaboymol owned the PvP arena with @JasonPrimate winning a round and ending up in second place well done!
    This was an interesting event but a real pain to reset! In the two rounds @c_rex101 won one round with @ekhosonix winning the second so well done guys!
    I hope you enjoy your slime for the win guys, it was a good fight!
    Day 3 winners!
    Survival Games
    Can you guess who won in the mayhem that was the hunger games? Yes, you have it right it was @killaboymol with @Gsdcs coming in second place! If she didn't run away as much she could have actually won!
    Skywars Tournament
    There were 4 winners overall on this event and they were @JasonPrimate, @killaboymol, @Gsdcs and @adensem congratulations on the amazing wins guys!
    You will get some special gift from myself shortly guys, enjoy!
    Build Contest
    Due to a few difficulties there were no real one stand out winner so well done to everyone that took part and for those that are americans, please learn what independance day is actually about, the second event could have been better!!!
    This event finished off the weekend and it was a long one but as with all the previous PvP events, @killaboymol won it quite unanimously!
    Ok so considering the sheer domience in the PvP rounds and attending majority of the weekend I would like to thank @killaboymol for the performance and as such he has a special set of gear to celebrate the PvP awesomeness!
    Whilst it was a lot of work to try and keep it organised it was worth it for the fun that resulted so again thank you all for coming and making the weekend as great as it was. Special mention goes out to @Gsdcs from me for helping to corral the PvP players on day 1 and issuing gear as well as her comment on my stream that made me blush!
  5. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from ZTolerance Admin in More Token options (Survival Server)   
    Add them here! @ApTV
  6. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to SheTolerance Admin in 4th of July Weekend Celebration   
    My Fellow Pickaxians,
    It's almost time for us to celebrate 4th July in the best way we can... Drop parties and games!
    Starting on Saturday 2nd July, and continuing through until Monday 4th July we will be hosting a range of different games and challenges, across all of the PickAxis network servers. 
    Below is a list of the events that will take place with the times. 

    Saturday 2nd July - Skyblock Server
    8:00PM BST / 3:00PM EDT - Capture the Item: A member of staff will ask you to bring them something, first one to do so wins a prize!
    9:00PM BST / 4:00PM EDT - PVP in Skyblock Arena: A range of different PvP battles.
    10:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Drop Party Time! Do /warp Drop to experience our famous Drop Party!
    11:00PM BST / 6:00PM EDT - Parkour: See if you beat Vertigolf's Challenging Parkour course.
    Sunday 3rd July - Survival Server
    8:00PM BST / 3:00PM EDT - Sheep Herding: Up to 5 players to get as many sheep in a pen as they can.
    9:00PM BST / 4:00PM EDT - PvP in Survival Arena: A range of different PvP battles.
    10:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Drop Party Time! Do /warp Drop to run around in a circle and collect all you can!
    11:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Spleef: Stay on the slime the longest to win!
    Monday 4th July - Various Servers
    8:00PM BST / 3:00PM EDT - Survival Games: Last player standing wins, you only have one chance!
    9:00PM BST / 4:00PM EDT - Skywars Tournament: Send all the other players flying to win!
    10:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Mini Build Contests: Build the best to win!
    11:00PM BST / 6:00PM EDT - Team Survival Games/UHC - Work in teams to defeat other players.
    There will also be lots of other things going on throughout the weekend and tons of prizes to be won, so be sure to join us! 

    View full announcement
  7. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to NickG365 Owner in May's Top Voters   
    The results are in! May's top voters are...
    In 1st place,
    30 Coins & 1000 tokens In 2nd place,
    20 Coins & 800 tokens In 3rd place,
    10 Coins & 600 tokens Rank Player Reward 4th WolfLover1015 600 tokens 5th EkhoSonix 500 tokens 6th adalin94 500 tokens 7th ApTV 300 tokens 8th Reizvolles1234 300 tokens 9th goddante 200 tokens 10th orion12 200 tokens  
    Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who supported PickAxis by voting! Who will be next month's top voters?

    View full announcement
  8. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from HOOOSK Owner in Shhhh   

    I love these! 
  9. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to HOOOSK Owner in Shhhh   
    Hey guys
    Don't tell  but I added a bunch of new emotes to our forums.  Use them while they last!  I guarantee some of them will end up "missing" soon.  
    Many of these emotes will look familiar to a lot of you. Below is a list of them. To use them simply put the word next to the emote in between colons, like this:  :cat:
  10. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to Cy11andra in Suggestion for new Creative Contest   
    I don't understand. 
  11. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to Cy11andra in Made a cute staff picture. Check it out!   
    Imgur link here. You can make your own wallpaper here. They have all kinds of cute wallpapers you can put any character in with just their character name.

  12. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from ZTolerance Admin in The Drop Party   
    Yay! I can't wait! (especially since it's so close to my birthday)
  13. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from Demoneyes2013 in :D   
    Happy Birthday!
  14. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to SheTolerance Admin in The Drop Party   

    My Fellow Pickaxians, 
    The time has come for us to celebrate the independence of diamonds, cobble and zombie flesh, well drop them from above.
    There will be a weekend packed with events that will of course include our famous drop parties on both Skyblock and Survival, we know how much you love them!
    The times and dates will be:
    Skyblock drop party - Saturday 2nd July - 10pm (BST)  5pm (ET) 3pm (MDT) 9am (NZST)
    Survival Drop Party - Sunday 3rd July - 10pm (BST) 5pm (ET) 3pm (MDT) 9am (NZST)
    Other times for games and events will be announced shortly.
    Now for your job:
    We need donations. The more we have the longer the party will be! The more stackable items the longer the party will be. 
    With your help we can make this the best drop party ever! 
  15. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to Mars in Hi Im Mars   
    Melcat recommended me to this server. I want to join the town she is in which is Daemons Run I think.
    Anyway nice to meet you all she said this server was pretty laid back and the people are friendly.
  16. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from benpenguin2 Revered in Hi Im Mars   
    Welcome to Pickaxis! I'm usually around on survival so if you have any questions just ask!
  17. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to HOOOSK Owner in Dirt Build Contest Winners!   
    Congrats!  This was a fun contest to judge!  I loved all the entries and I laughed so hard at C_rex's.
  18. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from Demoneyes2013 in Dirt Build Contest Winners!   
    Congrats everyone! 
  19. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to NickG365 Owner in April's Top Voters   
    The results are in! April's top voters are...
    In 1st place,
    30 Coins & 1000 tokens In 2nd place,
    20 Coins & 800 tokens In 3rd place,
    10 Coins & 600 tokens Rank Player Reward 4th _SammyBaer 500 tokens 5th Reizvolles1234 400 tokens 6th IntenseMoose 400 tokens 7th VertiMiniGolf 400 tokens 8th ApTV 200 tokens 9th LettieT 200 tokens 10th C_rex101 200 tokens  
    Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who supported PickAxis by voting! Who will be next month's top voters?

    View full announcement
  20. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from HOOOSK Owner in Dirt Build Contest Winners!   
    Congrats everyone! 
  21. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to SimpleSerpent in My first few days playing.   
    Hello everyone,
    I'm making this post to offer a few suggestions, and feedback, as well as refreshing you guys on how a new player might think of your server.
    The first thing I noticed when I logged on was how awesome the community is. I had a warm welcome from the players, and the two staff that were online immediately jumped in to answer questions and give me assistance. 
    For a new player, this server is very easy to understand. With the staff's help I was able to easily figure out exactly what made this server special, and how to do everything I need to do to get the max amount of fun out of it.
    Here are some things I've noticed over my first few days:
    1. The staff is awesome! From what I've seen so far, the staff all seem to be very mature, competent, and helpful. I've talked to a few of the staff and ever interaction was friendly and professional.
    2. It seems to take a loooooong time to level up Mcmmo levels. Every other Mcmmo server that I've been on has made leveling up extremely faster and easier. Now, this may not be a bad thing, but it might dissuade some players who don't want to spend an inordinate amount of time leveling up a basic stat.
    3. There is no Death, login, or leaving the server messages. I can see how people might consider this stuff spam, but I think that players would like to see when their friends join or leave, and when people die. It just adds that small but of flair to it. Your server is also the first one I've seen, other than the huge mini-games servers, that have these turned off.
    4. I LOVE that to post on the forums, you need authorization from a staff member. Way too often, I have seen forums destroyed by spammers and bots, and this is the perfect way to stop that.
    5. Although I have not seen many instances of this, I have noticed staff calling out players for using minor swear words. I know that children play this game, but I believe that swearing should be allowing in moderation, as long as it is not racist, sexist, or otherwise demeaning towards any group. This, of course, falls to the staff to decide what kind of server they would like this to be, but I believe you will have a small increase of older and more mature players is swearing is allowed.
    Edit: Also, what is up with all the dead horses EVERYWHERE?
    Edit Edit: I was on a server previously where when an enchanted book/item was put up for auction, putting your curser over the name of the item gave you the enchant that was on it. It would be nice if that was implemented.
    Edit Edit Edit: You should also synchronize the day/nigh cycles on the mining world, so people can still compete in the monster hunt evenly when in that world.
    Thank you for reading, and I look forward to what you guys think!
  22. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to SimpleSerpent in Hellooooooo Pickaxis!   
    Hello everyone,
    I am SimpleSerpent, and I am happy to announce that I will be joining your server! Here's a little about myself: I have been playing MC since 2009, and have loved it from the moment I placed that first block. I am a friendly and helpful person, and once I get set up i'll be willing to help anyone out with their MC needs. In terms of PVP i'm sub-par due to me only using my trackpad on my laptop. (I am waaaaay too lazy to go out and buy a mouse). To make up for that I have mastered the art of MC archery, so if you engage me form afar you will not last long.    <----- I use that face waaaay too much by the way.    Lastly, I have been playing MC long enough to have learned all the commands to common plugins, so if you don't know why to type, ask away! (This includes staff, fyi, not that I think you'll need it, as you guys seem very competent from my short time on here).
    I look forward to playing with you all!
  23. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to Melcat in Hi Ya's   
    Hi I'm MomMelCat but perfered to be called Melcat.
    I was out looking for a small new friendly, established server to join and found this one and seem to like it so far. Made one mistake my first day but it was easily fixable.
    I came here to find refuge from a larger server, but I am finding out since I've retired from staff  there about a month ago due to illness, that a lot of people are leaving it and or are not playing it on as much anymore. (I guess I made the server fun and enjoyable and kept people honest) I know we aren't supposed to talk about other servers, but I hope I can make this server fun and enjoyable too even though I have no interest in becoming staff on it. (been there done that just want to play the game)
    I will be bringing more people of the people I trust from my other server over once I get a little more established on this one. But I think I might have found a new home.
    I know I have a lot of exploring to do, there are a lot servers. I prefer survival and bit of creative. 
    Creative because you can use it as a RPing server as well as for creating build contests on.
    This server is awesome because you brought all the items in to 1.9 with out making the players have to gain them through special contests voting "tokens".
    It seems like you made the blocks ready and able to buy in the world without worrying about what effect it would have on player PVP or the economy.
    You seem to run a server the right way.

  24. Like
    Gsdcs Mod got a reaction from benpenguin2 Revered in Survival Shops: Who has one and where is it   
    Mine isn't necessarily a 'shop' but I have a few around my town.
    Where: /t spawn carrotville
    What: Sells enchanted books, horse armor, saddles, nametags, bookshelves, leather, paper, and food
    If you need any of those random items stop on by!
    ~ Gsdcs
  25. Like
    Gsdcs Mod reacted to NickG365 Owner in Survival PvP Suggestions/Ideas   
    We actually do accept requests to take over land and unlock chests if a player has been offline for an extended period of time (generally at least a few months), which are all evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    As for PvP in the world, it's something that we've considered before, including the idea of not having players drop their items on death.  Additionally, I've seen in practice that world PvP generally isn't popular in this style of survival server, aside from a few short-lived bursts here and there, and is often only abused to harass players (since there isn't much to be gained with no drops), even with specific rules in place.  Ultimately, we're not looking to be like other survival servers, and would rather provide an experience that our community finds enjoyable.  It's possible that we would make changes to how PvP works on survival in the future if there is more interest, but most players seem to enjoy the more peaceful style at the moment, as supported by the less than occasional use of the PvP arena.
    Hardcore is definitely something we'd like to see more interest in, as we feel that it has the potential to be really fun and enjoyable for those seeking an adventure with more risks involved.  I feel that it complements survival quite well by providing a lot of the gameplay points that you mentioned; it's just that there aren't a lot of people interested in the PvP aspect at the moment.  We do have additional plans for improving hardcore in the future, so hopefully we can draw more attention to it after we've had a chance to add some cool new features and objectives to it.

About PickAxis

PickAxis strives to provide an enjoyable, unique, and high-quality experience across the various servers in our network. Join us today; your adventure awaits!


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