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Posts posted by SheTolerance

  1. I haven't played on a server with pets before. I sounds a good idea though. My only concern is if you have a creeper pet and another player sees it walking up to you, would they "save your life" and kill it... so bye bye buddy?

  2. Hey guys,


    As many of you know I, in the past, have made enderman farms in the end after the monthly reset. I just wondered how everyone feels about this, how much they were used and if it is work carrying on doing.


    So I have a couple of questions:


    Did you like that we had a community farm?


    Did you use the farm?


    Would you like me to build another enderman farm when the end resets?


    Would you like to build a community farm? (enderman, blaze, wither, gold)


    I'm interested to hear your feedback





  3. #1 - you get tokens, and what do tokens make.... cool things! You can get 50 tokens each day which can be spent on survival skyblock, skywars for cool perks. Just do /shop and see what you can save up for....


    So you have purchased all of the perks over all servers?


    #2 - the top 3 voters each month get a cash reward to spend on the server to buy ranks. 


    What? So you have obsidian rank across all of the servers? You have everything you could possibly need and the tokens are just building up?


    #3 Keep voting to support this awesome server. A lot of blood sweat and tears go into making this server as great as it is and we all want to make it bigger and better. Voting pushes us up the ranks and the higher we get the more players we can get. 


    Pickaxes is nothing without all you amazing players. We love each and everyone of you and we hope you love us back!



    Click here and show us your love. 



  4. Welcome and congrats to everyone that have been made staff. Very much deserved for all of you!!


    If you need any help then don't hesitate to ask!!


    If you applied for staff and didn't get it, don't worry, it doesn't necessarily mean you're not going to. 


    If you are looking to want to become staff you can apply here


    If you are not staff...be gentle and patient with the new guys :)



  5. Hey guys!


    Just wanted to let you all know that I will not be around too much for the next few weeks. My final Uni assignment (of this course) Is due on the 14th September so really need to focus on it! I will be online but not as long as normal.  


    I will keep an eye on the forums and will be on twitter (robins105_1980) so if there are any issues and there are no other staff around then you can contact me and I can jump on to help out.


    Take care guys!



  6. Calling all Skyblockers!


    I thought it could be a good idea to collaborate some hints and tips for fellow skyblockers, and also to those new to the server.


    So please reply with a handy tip that helps you on skyblock.  


    My Tip:


    When you fall off your island (and you will!) type /is h as quick as you can. You will probably die from fall damage but will not lose your stuff. The longer you play this game, the quicker you type /is h.




  7. There is now a new enderman farm in the end, free to use for everyone. I seems to have turned out a bit better than the last one. 


    Please don't break it, and please don't disturb the endermite! 


    There are trap doors at the killing area so you can decide where to stand, note standing too close will result in pain! 


    If anyone has any other designs or community builds that could be built in the nether or the end then please let feel free to build. If you need any help or supplies then let us know. 


    Note to Zach, Sorry for building it without you, I am now away for a week and wanted to get it up before I left, I hope we can work together on another build :)


    Enjoy the pearls


    Clare z


    PS Don't forget about the pearl collector challenge :)


  8. So I took a visit to creative to work on some ideas.... little did I know what was to come! 


    I visited a plot belonging to a couple of new players... MisterStick and UmegaPanda, and found a stage, instantly recognisable as Britatin/america's got talent. 


    Pin came over to help judge and we got a performance of Lady Gaga (including the meat outfit!)


    It was really awesome so wanted to share it here :)






    Glad to say that MisterStick and UmegaPanda have now also joined skyblock - Welcome to our community :)



  9. So with huge huge thanks to Husker and Nick, I now have my own account!! So now nobody needs to ask "Which one is it?" And Zach no longer needs to check the time to see who it is! 


    Both myself and Marc have talked about getting separate accounts since he decided to concentrate on survival, whereas I prefer Skyblock. We will still work together on the island... but that is my baby!!


    For anyone that doesn't know, I'm Clare, I'm from the UK and can be found on the Skyblock server most days. Always here to help where I can and always up for a chat. (typing that is... not quite over my phobia of talking using my mouth!!)


    I can confirm that this has not changed my actual relationship with the almighty ZTolerance... Just means we might use the the server to actually talk to each other :P


    Clare x

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