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Everything posted by pyrolily

  1. I wanna know what game u think would be better if it looked and played like minecraft it can be any game for me personally it would be ark i mean who wouldnt like to ride a dino in Minecraft.
  2. The moment you realise you arent logged in and havent been for days. <_<

  3. Hmm try Hinder Daughtry Skillet Tinie tempah Yellow card David dallas
  4. So whats the best pizza 

    1. SheTolerance

      SheTolerance Admin

      One that is in front of me!

    2. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      Krusty Krab pizza is the best pizza for you and me

    3. ZTolerance

      ZTolerance Admin

      Meat Feast everytime!

  5. Guard your butts folks the spawners on survival now work fully and will attack you.
    cave spiders have a long reach -_-found that one out the hard way

  6. Another year and i just feel older :lol:

    1. Snowball731

      Snowball731 Mod

      we dont get older.... we level up..

    2. Gsdcs

      Gsdcs Mod

      Happy Birthday!

    3. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      Happy birthday Lily! You old lady!   :D

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. The time for the drop party since many of you are asking is 9PM GMT / 1PM PT / 4PM ET 23rd april
  8. Ill take a look at it now
  9. you get to vote the time but the date is on it 23rd april
  10. I dislike time zone changes :D

  11. So time again for drop party epic fun. Make sure to vote for the time that best suits you and lets make this another EPIC party, as always donations to the party are greatly appreciated by all so if you have spare stuff laying around please toss it in.
  12. So its that time again folks, yep time for another drop party so vote for the time you want. Donations to the drop party are greatly appreciated by everyone (especially the folks who end up getting the items). Lets make this party as EPIC as the last one.
  13. So i need a new skin and u guys and girls get to help my pic it, just gimme a link to the skin and in a week ill pick one at random . just make sure the skins are appropriate lol
  14. Happy Easter peoples of Pickaxis :D

    1. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      Happy Easter to you too!  <3

  15. So just to let u guys know if you have spawn eggs that you buy from the market and in some cases ones you have in your inventory bug put them in a chest and then remove them it will fix any issues you have with them not spawning.
  16. Are there any specific holidays that you guys think we should acknowledge with some sort of party leave the holidays below and why they should be acknowledged thanks

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