Thanks for your thoughts. Here are my responses to you:
1) Thank you! I think our staff are exceptional, as well. I enjoy playing with each of them.
2) We've done a lot of tweaking for McMMO levels. We made it harder to level up because when we first set a level cap, the majority of players were all capped out within a week or two. If this continues to be an issue, bring it up again in a few weeks and perhaps we can take another look at it.
3) Most login and leave messages are pretty annoying, at least in my opinion. Ask around and if this is something a lot of you would like, we can revisit this in the future too. I do really want death messages. I'll bring this up with @NickG365
4) I like this too, even though it keeps some people from posting initially. I think it's a good solution to keep trolls and crap out of the forums.
5) Swearing is ok, in moderation, as long as it's not bothering players and is not disrespectful. This is not a G-rated server, but definitely not an R-rated server. Keep it fun.
Edit 1: The dead horses are from the 1.9 update and the horsemen who spawn. I think people just aren't killing the horses after they kill the horsemen.
Edit 2: You can use /auc info to learn the same thing. Unfortunately, I don't think the auction plugin currently allows for the hovering option.
Edit 3: I'll talk to Nick about this.