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Everything posted by SCNickNamer

  1. SCNickNamer although I'm more interested in seeing how the maps work and if I can break them
  2. k peops, I need your help. Please tell me at what brightness you play minecraft.

  3. Don't get bird wrong pokeball, your idea was good, but the way bird argues is taking the things that aren't perfect yet and tries to improve that. He is stating his own version of your idea based on his own preferences and merely altering some of the flaws he sees in your idea.
  4. I agree with you guys on the most part. As for the world edit topic, I agree with bird that WE is a very usefull tool and if the commands are considered thoroughly this should be no problem for grief or server lag. What I deem the best world situation is a three world system, as bird suggested, however with some small changes. the first world, a plot creative world (functions as birds' trial world) however in this world everyone can build and with a special command (f.i. /plot trial) you can ask a judge to look at your plot. This will allow for people to just build in a plotworld and for people to gain their "promotion". More plots can be bought here with tokens. world 2: a normal (survival) world with creative for people, people allowed on this will have more advanced WE (also for plot worlds) including a higher block limit and some more complex commands (such as brushes, perhaps even voxel) world 3: the trophy/gallery world as stated before
  5. Congratz to the other winners! Competition was fierce. Just a small thing on my build, what you can't see in the pictures is that the floor is ice and "reflects" the whole build above.
  6. hmm, in this article (dutch): http://www.at5.nl/artikelen/139058/gamers-bouwen-amsterdam-na-in-minecraft they talk about how a team of builders is building amsterdam city. The article then states that this it is unique that a build is made using google streetview and google maps... I remember us doing something very similar in San Fransisco ;)

    1. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      but i don't speak dutch D:

    2. 9monkeys

      9monkeys Builder

      I was about to get my mom to translate it, then I realized I could just use google translate XD. Are any of you three ( nick , bird, hidden) helping them?

    3. SCNickNamer

      SCNickNamer Builder

      Nope, and I am pretty sure worm and bird arent either. It would be a nice project for them tho, since they live there

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  7. Good luck to all the people entering the final phase of this contest! Also good luck to the judges!
  8. Will your review be: "Earth, Mostly harmless"
  9. 1, Hier Komt die Sonne 2, Hier Komt die Sonne 3, Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen 4, Hier kommt die Sonne

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