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Everything posted by SCNickNamer

  1. Estimated time of arrival Sounds like a fun idea, certainly makes for easier transport
  2. Welcome (Back) M00s3, haven't met you jet, but have a great time on this great community
  3. Husker and Helios sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage! Lol, I feel so childish right now XD
  4. Once upon a time there was a thought. That thought started small, as a mere idea in ones head. However by speaking if it to others the thought grew, until from an idea it became an ideal. An ideal that would change the world. No longer would there be need for leadership, the ideal would make sure the world would be a better place.

    1. pokeball92870


      20 years later- the world has evolved. Things aren't as simple as they used to be... what did they call it again? Oh yeah, those 'old school' days. I remember that revolutionary day. What was it, what was it?!? Oh yeah that freakin' ideal! It only favored the rich people! My parents were normal, middle class people. BUT NO! THEY TOOK IT ALL AWAY! THEY HIDE BEHIND ALL THAT MONEY AND CALL IT AN EXCUSE TO BE A LEADER. NO!!! WE MUST STAND AND RISE....

    2. pokeball92870


      This ideal has driven me mad! We must band together, start a revolution! They don't know our pain; our sorrow; so we must show them our future!!!!

      (continue this!)

  5. The germans win, cause in football 22 men run after a ball for 90 minutes, and in the end the germans win. Oh wait, that was soccer

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