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Status Updates posted by Bill

  1. http://i.imgur.com/DRBYVry.png what staff do in our free time. toplel, kek, rekt m9.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pokeball92870


      Husker be strong *oooh*

    3. Bill

      Bill Admin

      It was a team effort :P. You see husker filled the dispensers with the arrows, I placed the redstone torches, korexas placed the redstone, and nick was placing the wool and dispensers for the top secret area 61 project!

    4. Korexas
  2. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOW I missed my desktop <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bill

      Bill Admin

      Running better then it ever has. New Thermal paste under the IHS new water pump. Old under load temps @ 5.0 Ghz was ~45-52c now I have yet to break 34c

    3. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      It told me that it didn't miss you. It said that you put your fingers all over it and make it go places it never wanted. It also said you sit in front of it and yell every single day.

      Be nicer to it this time around.

    4. Bill

      Bill Admin

      I shall burn it to the ground if it does not stay working this time >:)

  3. Oh the controversy. Do my homework, or play FTB...

    1. Bill

      Bill Admin

      I think FTB is winning :x

    2. Pinball7wiz
    3. Bill

      Bill Admin

      You should come to the new location and move into your tree D:

  4. I'm home!!!

    1. Pinball7wiz

      Pinball7wiz Revered

      It snowed an inch inch and a half kek

    2. Snowdrift128

      Snowdrift128 Builder

      Another two hours for me :o)

    3. NickG365
  5. http://imgur.com/a/twMC3 What do you guys do on your weekends for fun when you're not online?
  6. http://i.imgur.com/mXAoEyH.png Oh? What a nice thing to see when looking through old notifications.
    1. KingPoutine

      KingPoutine Revered

      U smrt peeple nd ur progemingz

    2. Bill

      Bill Admin

      I know a lot, but never knew people considered me a brilliant programmer. Maybe on the aspect that 90% of the programming I know I learned by myself, but wow. Feeds my programmer ego seeing that lol.

    3. KingPoutine

      KingPoutine Revered

      Lol oh god the last thing we need is to feed YOUR ego ;P

  7. Oh Digital Logic why you so much work but so interesting and fun all at the same time D:

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Digital Logic called...they said to tell you "Beep Boop, Boop Beeeeeep". Hope that makes sense.

    2. Bill
  8. So sad... Thanks Giving break is over and now back to school .-.

    1. Mighty_Jak


      I hate school..... :(

    2. Korexas

      Korexas Builder

      I <3 school

      (i dont go to one :))

  9. I'm glad this long day is finally over...

  10. It's amazing how much time studying takes up :/ I wanna play sooooo bad D:

    1. Meg1626

      Meg1626 Mod

      I know how you feel. :/

  11. Going on 3 weeks sick sucks. So little energy to get on, I'll try to pop on discord or in-game time to time. But I am pretty bad. Be back full time soon!

    1. SheTolerance

      SheTolerance Admin

      Take care of yourself bill, hope you feel better soon 

  12. Mentally drained, tired, frustrated, and just overall been in a gloomy mood lately.

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