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Everything posted by benpenguin2

  1. You can take the tools from the abilities under /kit There is a delay when buying armor so it doesn't show You don't get anything when buying weapons or food
  2. Yeah I agree. I think we should either have a request system like ninja suggested, a pvp arena or designated area like draakon suggested, or no pvp at all, because people who don't want to fight with others shouldn't be forced to.
  3. My new year's resolution is to finally make a new year's resolution because i've never done that before.

  4. just watched the interview, it was so bad it was good

  5. I think it would be cool if the levels of enchanting at the spawn enchanting table could be adjusted.
  6. Bill, congrats on senior moderator! :D

    1. Luckystratjacket


      Yay! Bill's really old!

    2. Bill

      Bill Admin

      old, wet? Thanks ben.

    3. pokeball92870
  7. oh gawd, the horror hurry, before they multiply, we must kill them in their sleep... i mean, um....
  8. I think it would be cool if the BottledExp plug-in (link here http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bottledexp/) was added to skyblock and possibly survival as well.
  9. :/ it's kind of ironic that no staff member can follow the rules
  10. wow did you draw these? if you get the chance, do you think you can make one that is a penguin wearing a fez and a bowtie please?
  11. if you read correctly it said same rules as the other counting game meaning different people have to do it and as of recently, because of that new rule, 5 different people atleast have to participate in it
  12. well that rule wasn't a rule when we won so we still won
  13. *gives lucky a highfive back* we totally deserve one of those website award things for beating a forum game =P

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