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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/14 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    First prison post!

    Don't worry, we're not going to take 6-7 months to get this up once we start working on it.
  2. 2 points
    Have you been searching for that certain enchantment? Don't know how many levels you may need? Here's a solution! You just select what you want to enchant and how many levels you will enchant it with, then the table will display your chances of every enchant! Click me!
  3. 2 points

    The Mysterious Portal

    Hi, I am portalBlock. My IGN is portalBlockz but some people call me port or portal. I enjoy programming either for Minecraft or for fun. I hope to help PickAxis succeed in any way I can. If you have any questions for me or the server please ask! Enjoy your time on PickAxis!
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points

    First prison post!

    Who else wants to lock KingofLols up when prison comes out? Lel
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point

    Welcome to PickAxis!

    PickAxis is a brand new network of Minecraft servers and we are looking to do things the right way. With almost 10 years of combined server ownership experience, our goal is to provide a player-focused and fun gaming experience. At PickAxis, our players can expect a friendly and helpful community, supportive and involved staff, and an ever-evolving range of games and features to keep the Minecraft experience fresh and fun. With these experiences and ideals in mind, the concept for PickAxis was born. Our goal at PickAxis is to give you the Minecraft server you have always desired, yet haven't been able to find. PickAxis is where you can finally have it all: Strong community; Supportive staff; and a consistently entertaining Minecraft experience.
  8. 1 point

    The Mysterious Portal

    Oh you said your name was purell? Welcome to the forums Purell.
  9. 1 point
    For those unfamiliar with the ptime command, it allows a player to change the time of day he/she sees and does not change the server time. I think it would be useful on the creative server so you can see how your build appears at different times of day.
  10. 1 point

    The Mysterious Portal

    Welcome Portal, have fun
  11. 1 point

    The Mysterious Portal

    You forgot your other nickname.... pertel
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point

    The job plugin

    I was really thinking that the jobs plugin would be pretty nice for the server. It gives you real jobs in mc (woodcutter, mining, etc) And i really think it would be good for all players, because of how hard it is to get money. It's basically just McMMo but with jobs and getting money for skills.
  14. 1 point

    Welcome to PickAxis!

    Yay to new beginnings
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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PickAxis strives to provide an enjoyable, unique, and high-quality experience across the various servers in our network. Join us today; your adventure awaits!


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