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Posts posted by ZTolerance

  1. Hi all,


    so I have been relooking through the suggestions board and one feature request that stood out was having mob pets/companions. I know near Christmas time it was a bit of a hot topic around the server but I have not heard much since and now @NickG365 has finished school for a bit I thought it would be a good time to look into the idea again.


    If you haven't seen the original thread it is here but basically, through tokens or some other unlock you would be able to get a mob as a trusty companion to aid you. There could be a possibility of it holding items for you, battling other pets to make an interesting minigame etc. What are your thoughts, do you want this, hate it or have some extra ideas to throw in?


    The more response we get, the higher it would probably get bumped in Nick's calendar :)

  2. Ok so I like the premise of the idea as it is, although I do have a couple of bits I need to add in:


    1) I do not think that it is fully feasible to have creepers "turned on" in just one of the worlds, I have a feeling that without some additional code being written (which would get added to a backlog) it would be all or nothing.


    2) I am not a massive fan of no block damage from creepers... Dirt, sand and other land tile I think it is a good idea, but man made structures or wood, brick etc building should be allowed to be damaged

  3. 4 hours ago, r4ans0m said:

    I feel obliged to put in my bit.

    I, for example, abhor the thought of pvp unless we are totally on equal ground, such as fist to fist, no weapons no armor. Other than that, I would kind of like the Idea of Pvp, as many of you mentioned, it would create more of a sense of "survival" part of the Survival. 

    I have an Idea. What if the Hardcore Server was, as it is, entirely pvp; but also add things that Survival has such as mcMMO and such. 

    I would, personally, like the idea of having certain "Teams". Once you join a team, members of your "Team" can't hurt you, and yet you can grief the other team and such. you could build towns and even cities that are secured. Now I could get into that :D

    just what I was saying before I read this reply. Turn hardcore into PVP and Towny and leave survival as it is then the players have the opportunity to go between the two and it could work

  4. Well it seems that everyone had a lot of fun over the two days of parties! The survival party had a bit of a twist in the end..... A little maze to complete!


    Well done to @_Casanova for being the first to complete it! @EnderMist_123came in second and @rampage1779 hit the third spot!

    So far only 6 people have completed it, if you manage to make it to the finish line then you will get a prize. The maze can be found at /warp AfterParty 




    If you enjoyed the parties then let me know!

  5. CDYOjhfXIAEHfMG.jpg.9cbc0472230f5670590d

    Drop Party Weekend Shenanigans

    Welcome one and all! It is time to announce a bit of fun coming up over the next couple of months. First up is a double drop party weekend with some additional mini-events going on during Sunday.

    Throughout Sunday, random mini-events and prizes will also be given out across Skyblock and Survival, so pop on throughout the day! There is also a special mystery prize on both nights; you have to be in it to win it!

    View full announcement

  6. CDYOjhfXIAEHfMG.jpg


    It is time for a Drop Party!!!!!


    In two weeks time, we will have one of the last drop parties of 2015 on Survival and I want you all to come and join me over here! Voting is open for a week and then we will announce the successful day and then start the countdown to the fun!!!


    Also don't forget that the donation hopper is over at /spawn so feel free to drop some treats in for the guys!


    **EDIT** seems the poll didn't save


    **EDIT AGAIN ** 9:30PM GMT (4:30PM EST) http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20151128T2130&p0=303&msg=Survival+Drop+Party&font=cursive&csz=1&swk=1 on saturday 28th November!

  7. Hi guys,


    I am bored and I was looking at making a mini video showcasing some of the best islands we have on Skyblock so I was wondering, what islands do you think are the best and why?

    It can be that they have the coolest gadgets, best design or anything you want, let me know!

  8. I work Sunday's and Saturday's and I normally close, actually on Sunday I normally get off earlier but for some reason that Sunday I don't. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my days off. 

    aw booo

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