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Posts posted by ZTolerance

  1. CDYOjhfXIAEHfMG.jpg


    **UPDATE WITH COUNTDOWN! http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20150906T22&p0=303&msg=Pickaxis+Survival+Drop+Party&font=cursive&csz=1



    It is that time again folks! Last month's drop party went down quite well and there was some cool heads donations which brought a very interesting end to the drop party. This month the hoppers have already had to be empty so it is looking like it will be a massive one so all we need is for you and your friends to come visit on the night!


    So vote for your best time slot, find anything you want to add to the donations (its at spawn) and come on over for the party, I am sure Husker will provide some non-alcoholic beverages to make the night go in a blur!!!!!

  2. CDYOjhfXIAEHfMG.jpg





    Yes it is that time again folks, last month we had an epic drop party as you can see in the picture below and some that Meg put up here.

    So please, donate some items for the party, vote for a time and day that suits you and then enjoy! Last party we had almost 20 on throughout with people coming in and out, bring your friends along as it would be cool to make that 30 or even more this party :)


    It is good fun and teamspeak always has a few laughs (ts.pickaxis.com) so come along :D




  3. No... NO... NO!!! I MISSED IT!!!! Ugh!! /facepalming intensifies/ dangit!!! I can't beleive I missed it... I was at a kids birthday party yesterday and I forgot...  :(

    You were missed, next one though :D

  4. So the filling and the digging is complete and attached is what i am left with to work from! Massive thanks to Pinball for helping to get rid of the water and GSDCS, C_rex_101 and SheTolerance for helping me mine up several thousand blocks of cobble, sandstone and ores. Phase two is complete, now to start building!


  5. Hey guys,


    so as you might have noticed either from in game or the recent announcement a new plugin has been added to Survival called Monster Hunter where you strive to be the best killer of hostile mobs during the night. I wanted to put a little friendly competition together to see who can end up with the best score from a single night/round.


    To get started here is mine


  6. Well since I decided to play Survival a bit more, I thought I had better build a nice house, this is how far I have gotten so far..... Thank to for helping me clear this a bit quicker..... Any guesses on what it will be?





  7. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! My schedule for that week just came out and I HAVE SATURDAY OFF!!!!  ::bounces off the walls with happiness::


    I can attend my first ever PickAxis drop party!! <333333333    :D  :D  :D  :D


    ::dances away happily::

    This party has just become even more epic!


    I'll definitely attend! Thanks for letting us know! :D

    Thank you for choosing to come! Looking forward to seeing you there.

    Remember, even if you or friends haven't played skyblock before, this is a good way to get a good head start

  8. A bit of a low turnout tonight and there were so many awesome items in the system so thank you to all of you that donated and turned up! Next up is the skyblock one in a few weeks so you should come and join us.


    A few more decided to join after the screenie was taken but it was fun and I am looking forward to the next one!


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