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Everything posted by ninjabou

  1. Ahhh f**k i missed the DP...

    1. ninjabou
    2. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      ninja, stop swearing like a sailor, the pirate contest ended already.

    3. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Maybe next month we will need the swearing build contest...just for ninja.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. Bill why are you just revered now? D:

    1. Bill

      Bill Admin

      I am in an emotional roller coaster right now, and being staff has its own stress, and I needed to remove easy stress before I went crazy. So I did what I needed to do and stepped down from staff to alleviate some stress so I can more easily deal with this roller coaster. Maybe in the future when I am done dealing with the issues that need attending to, and I can deal with extra stuff I will ask to be a staff member again.


      NEKOMENACE2 Guide

      Hope everything sorts itself out Bill miss you being staff but hope to see you around still and best of luck with everything going on. =3

    3. ninjabou

      ninjabou Revered

      hope everything works out for you, bud! We will welcome you back to staff without question (hopefully) if you choose to do so.

  3. Only the Admins? ;( (just kidding, thanks, i agree.)
  4. i have tumblr but i barely use it, but what the heck ill follow you. i should be ninjabou on there
  5. happy Easter to everyone but miku!
  6. hey ben. dont be so critical. its a game.
  7. traffic sign thing? how many months have 28 days? (i'm bad at this)
  8. 588, this game is great it is very fine, it is a joy of mine
  9. That's not exactly how it works, sorry guys. These were made on the spot to things I found interesting. These weren't commissions, and I won't do commissions because then everyone will want one and this is supposed to be fun. Sorry to disappoint, but maybe something interesting will happen with you guys involved, nobody knows. (but don't try to force it )
  10. Here's a link to the Imgur album: click HERE I've been slowly building a supply of pictures about Pickaxis, and this is only starting now. I wouldn't be able to find the older ones anyway. I'll comment on this post whenever there's a new picture added. Hope you enjoy the creations of my maniacal mind.
  11. 583... no facts from me. but i will speak in rhyme. I can provide (that) all the time.

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