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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/14 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point

    Funny gifs

    Post any gif you find funny to watch! Instructions:: - Right click on your gif - Select 'Copy image URL' - Go to create new post - Click the image button - Paste the image URL - Post the gif! Rules:: - Nothing inappropriate - Keep it clean - 1 gif per post Let's share!
  4. 1 point

    Husk Husk Husk!

    I'm posting here because I'm avoiding doing actual work while at work. I'm one of the owners around here and you can usually find me trolling people or TWERKING! Here are some of my things/links/etc. Yes, these links are clickable! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube Twitter Twitch Instagram ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a nub, but I've been playing Minecraft since 2010. I'm addicted to the sound of the crunching pixels under my pixel feet. I stream on Twitch a few times each week. I'm dating James Marsden (yeah, this one!) You don't need proof. We work hard to keep our personal relationship off the grid. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Are you really 32 years old? Are you really asking a woman to verify her age? Why are you even wondering anyway? And, yes I was born in the same year the movie E.T. came out (1982). How long have you been playing Minecraft? I've played since 2010 when Notch called me on the phone and was like "Hey bby, I gots a new game 4 u 2 try." How long have you been playing on PickAxis? I started playing on PickAxis from Day 1! Do you really need glasses or are you trying hard to look nerdy, cause bby I just wanna dose eyez. I need some kind of vision correction. When I play Minecraft I stare too hard at the screen and my contacts dry out. I much prefer to wear my glasses when Minecrafting. Are you single? Hell yeah! Can we go on a date? / Can I be your boyfriend? Are you 18+? Yes, pls. Can I stream with you? / Can I be in a YouTube video with you? Sure! Help me come up with some streaming/video ideas and you'll be first in line to work with me. Ask me more questions in this forum post and your question may be added to my FAQ section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. 1 point

    Hi. My name is chaotix50

    Hi. Many people call me Chao. I like to fight creepers and zombies. Gapples are my favorite food. Black is my favorite color. When I am not chaotix50, I am Eldrian. I don't like to fight things. Italian food is my favorite food. My favorite color is black. I like to Rave, sing, and do musician work. If you ask me a question I may have an answer. "Don't hate the player, Hate the Game." Contact information: Skype: chaotix500 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/chaotixgaming101 Twitter: @chaotix501 Facebook: facebook.com/chaotix50
  6. 1 point


    Oh that /c c intro! +1000
  7. 1 point


    hey guys and gals, Im Twisted_666, most of you already know me from times befor, you can mainly find me chilling on skyblock with the other flyers and fallers but i do pop around the place from time to time so if you want to hang out and chat or need help come find me ingame or hit me up in PM. see yas out there. /c c intro
  8. 1 point

    The Mysterious Portal

    Hi, I am portalBlock. My IGN is portalBlockz but some people call me port or portal. I enjoy programming either for Minecraft or for fun. I hope to help PickAxis succeed in any way I can. If you have any questions for me or the server please ask! Enjoy your time on PickAxis!
  9. 1 point
    Welcome to my first installment of hints that I have picked up over the years about skyblock. Some of these you may already know, though I hope you all find something useful in the things I know Iron Farms 101: Farms that make iron (Who knew!?) First off with the basics: Iron farms consist of doors, a platform to catch iron golems, and last but not least, villagers. It takes 10 villagers before iron golems will start to spawn, most iron farms have 4 cells with 4 villagers in them each for 16 villagers. Anywhere between 10-20 will make a golem.. when ever it wants. Here is a link to a standard iron farm (Note to self: don't forget to insert the link here) Now there are a bunch of different types of iron farms you can make, simple Google search will give you more than enough to work with. Im sure a lot of you already know how to build iron farms, pretty simple concept, but do you know exactly how close/far away from each other they can be without them merging? If you do, congrats! If not, well yeah, keep reading. Iron farms need to be a certain distance away from each other or they will merge and you wont see much (if any) iron. So the first thing most people want to do is to stack them, one on top of another, which can be done if you have AT LEAST 70 blocks between the top of a door on the lower iron farm and bottom of a door on the upper farm. (don't let that confuse you) 70 blocks vertically (up and down)! So yeah, don't forget... 70 blocks on the Y axis (still up and down) Which is very good news, if you do this right you can fit up to 4 iron farms on top of each other in skyblock Okay now that is taken care of, how about if you wanted to place them in the corners of your island? can it be done? Short answer is yes.. long answer is also yes. Hooray! Okay so If you wanted to place them side by side they have to be AT MINIMUM 64 blocks between any of the 2 closest doors. Can I stress the IN BETWEEN part again? if there is not 64 spaces in between the doors, then guess what? they just merged and you messed up... congrats! Destroy the doors and start again.. noob. So lets recap. 70 blocks MINIMUM between doors on the Y axis (up and down) and 64 blocks on the X or Z axis (side to side). ^this is the main point I wanted to make. I hope this tip (No sway) has helped you a little bit. I will try to post my brain matter here on a regular basis to halp with skyblox. Feel free to comment openly -Casanova
  10. 1 point
    Keep in mind, the server is only in Alpha stage, meaning there is still lots of time to grow!
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    If you're like me and can't remember how to make anything or you just need ID numbers for something, this website shows you how to make every potion in the game. It also has the ID's of every item, shows you how to craft all the items, and a lot more helpful things (Ignore some of the stuff, it's not all in-game just yet) http://www.minecraftinfo.com/brewing.htm
  13. 1 point
    Thank you. You and Alec should make a thread linking multiple sites for multiple helpful tips and just make it one big thread. AND pin it :3
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    just a quick tip but i dont think you can stack iron farms on our skyblock because its only 25 mobs per chunk. Correct me if im wrong of course
  17. 1 point


    OI Twisted. Plis.
  18. 1 point

    Armstrob here

    Hello all, I'm Armstrob, aka Ben, aka the green power ranger. I've been working with Sway for a little over a year now. I was mod/admin on his previous server, and helped out as much as I could with whatever. Looking forward to the future of this fantastic server. It has 3 great owners, some really awesome staff, and an already great following of players. Anyway, look forward to seeing all of you online! -Ben
  19. 1 point

    Armstrob here

    Welcome to this amazing network. But i guess you'll already know by now
  20. 1 point
    did you try turning it on and off?
  21. 1 point


    Welcome to this special place called pickaxis, hope you have fun!
  22. 1 point


  23. 1 point
    I had enuff asdf for a challenge and it didnt werk wat am i doin rong
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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