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Survival PvP Suggestions/Ideas

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So the whole point of a survival server online is so that you have to survive and not just from the mobs this time since this is online it is a survival against mobs and players. The lack of pvp in this survival is insane. There is literally no pvp.. no griefing.. no way of even thinking about harming players or you'll get banned.


I'm not saying let everyone go on a massive kill spree, but at this point in time the towny system holds little to no use.

What's the point of having a town when you're safe outside the towns from players?

And guess what it gets even better you don't even have to get a town or be part of one because anywhere you decide you want to place your blocks at, is your claimed property and if anyone ever touches it just whisper an admin and they'll ban the other player for griefing and restore your items.

Mobs from mob spawners don't even attack you, you can farm blaze rods for days.


All the excitement, the fear, and the adrenaline from building in a survival multiplayer is gone and that makes it really boring.


Let me know if you guys feel the same way about this in the comments below.

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I do see what you are saying about no excitement from mobs and mobspawners (maybe it can be changed so mobs from spawners attack and maybe the difficulty of mobs can be increased?) however I personally like the lack of pvp and the more peaceful environment. I think if the server was made into one with raiding/griefing and pvp many people will be very op and be crushing everyone else and it will enable many people to come on and just kill others trying to build peacefully. Maybe there could be a section of the world that has pvp or a pvp arena of some sort, or maybe you could try hardcore which is basically survival but with griefing, raiding, and pvp except that when you die you have a temp ban for a few hours. 

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As Ben mentioned, the ideal survival server you have described is available and is on the Pickaxis network. However this does not have towny. Hardcore is solely PvP and raiding. Unfortunately I'm not sure many people play on there any more. I would gladly come and play on there if you want to, and if you can encourage other players to do so. 

I can't see survival changing. In all the time I have played survival nobody else has raised these concerns. I assume as they have stuck around on the server, as they enjoy the way it works. The problem I see is if a player is working really hard to make a town, but before they can their items and buildings get stolen and damaged. This would probably lose heart in it and quit. I know these sorts of servers are available elsewhere, it is just not what Pickaxis is or what it is about. 

Go on hardcore and see if you can find all my stuff!

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  On 5/2/2016 at 10:42 AM, SheTolerance said:

I can't see survival changing. In all the time I have played survival nobody else has raised these concerns. I assume as they have stuck around on the server, as they enjoy the way it works.

Well if you compare the amount of players that stay vs the amount that leave it would make sense why those who stuck around "enjoy the way it is" because those who don't enjoy the server leave and most don't post on the forums why.


  On 5/2/2016 at 10:42 AM, SheTolerance said:

The problem I see is if a player is working really hard to make a town, but before they can their items and buildings get stolen and damaged. This would probably lose heart in it and quit.

I'm not saying everything should be raid-able and that chests should be unlocked. 

Chests are fine the way they are now (protected), but there is no reason for a chest to stay protected months after in an abondend town in the middle of nowhere. No one else can now use that land or build onto that town that was abandoned because those chest and doors can't be destroyed.

  On 5/2/2016 at 1:35 AM, benpenguin2 said:

it will enable many people to come on and just kill others trying to build peacefully

Make it so players don't drop items and besides you are protected inside a town. Disable loot drop when killed by players and the worst thing that could happen is that you'll have to run back. And besides there will always be rules against constantly killing the same person just to prevent them from building there as that's just unfair.


All i'm saying is stop protecting players stuff when they haven't been on in months unless they store it in an ender chest or hide it...

and let people PvP outside of towns but without dropping loot.

Edited by Vovik

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I do see your point and idea for maybe having pvp but players won't drop items if killed by another player, however there is still the hardcore server if you are looking for something a little more hardcore. 

  On 5/3/2016 at 12:29 PM, Vovik said:

Chests are fine the way they are now (protected), but there is no reason for a chest to stay protected months after in an abondend town in the middle of nowhere. No one else can now use that land or build onto that town that was abandoned because those chest and doors can't be destroyed.

Also this is actually not true. If a member of a town is offline for 60 days they will automatically be removed from the town. If all members of the town are removed then all placed blocks in the claimed town area will actually delete themselves (including chests): this stops the possibility for there to be an old town that was abandoned two years ago. There is definitely a conversation to be had on the suggestions you made, as neither you nor myself can be the ruling voice in matters such as these, and is something that the staff can talk about then ask players or post a poll once they come up with a conclusion or with several options.

For the time being you are more than welcome to play on hardcore or survival or both as much as you like.

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  On 5/3/2016 at 12:29 PM, Vovik said:

Chests are fine the way they are now (protected), but there is no reason for a chest to stay protected months after in an abondend town in the middle of nowhere. No one else can now use that land or build onto that town that was abandoned because those chest and doors can't be destroyed.

We actually do accept requests to take over land and unlock chests if a player has been offline for an extended period of time (generally at least a few months), which are all evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

As for PvP in the world, it's something that we've considered before, including the idea of not having players drop their items on death.  Additionally, I've seen in practice that world PvP generally isn't popular in this style of survival server, aside from a few short-lived bursts here and there, and is often only abused to harass players (since there isn't much to be gained with no drops), even with specific rules in place.  Ultimately, we're not looking to be like other survival servers, and would rather provide an experience that our community finds enjoyable.  It's possible that we would make changes to how PvP works on survival in the future if there is more interest, but most players seem to enjoy the more peaceful style at the moment, as supported by the less than occasional use of the PvP arena.

Hardcore is definitely something we'd like to see more interest in, as we feel that it has the potential to be really fun and enjoyable for those seeking an adventure with more risks involved.  I feel that it complements survival quite well by providing a lot of the gameplay points that you mentioned; it's just that there aren't a lot of people interested in the PvP aspect at the moment.  We do have additional plans for improving hardcore in the future, so hopefully we can draw more attention to it after we've had a chance to add some cool new features and objectives to it.

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vovik makes a good point however there are simple plugins for flagging pvp on and off for those who do and do not want to pvp

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I too would like to see a bit more PvP. I'll use a server I used to play on as an example. On that server, players were protected in towns that had PvP turned off. Once you stepped outside of a non-PvP chunk, you were fair game. Items dropped and the player who killed you could make off with your things. I don't think this peaceful server could ever be like that server. However like others mentioned, if items were not to drop on a PvP death, it wouldn't be so bad. (You could probably make it purchasable with Tokens.) Camping should obviously be against the rules. But in my opinion PvP outside of non-PvP towns wouldn't be too much for this server to handle. I don't think the current players would go out and kill each other all the time. It would just be a nice option to have.

Correct me if I am wrong, but from what I understand about the Hardcore server there aren't any rules really... Not having Towny is a major concern of mine and is why I refuse to play on the Hardcore server. It's just the two survival servers are like night and day. Two extremes. One being really peaceful and the other very hostile. I'd like to see a happy medium. I want to be able to keep my stuff safe while feeling a little on edge when I leave the safety of my town.

Joining a town on this server is extremely easy with how friendly everyone is so I don't see any issues with anyone keeping themselves and their items safe. Plus the auto-lock chests and the non-griefing rule. Players can keep themselves safe by locking themselves up in their homes with a locked door that isn't even a part of a town. But again, even if PvP is enabled I don't see it becoming a huge issue with all the friendly players.

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So just some ideas... Maybe PvP could only be available at certain times or in certain worlds. Such as only in the Nether, End, and/or Mining worlds. Or maybe only during one week of the month and call it the Purge. Towns would still be safe zones. With the Purge idea you could even keep score of how many kills a player got and award a small prize at the end of the week. Although there would be the chance of people exploiting that with friends so it should only be a small prize. A couple diamonds or a little bit of cash?

I'll keep throwing out ideas as I think of them. Hopefully one of them will catch some interest. ;)

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  On 5/3/2016 at 8:25 PM, benpenguin2 said:

If a member of a town is offline for 60 days they will automatically be removed from the town. If all members of the town are removed then all placed blocks in the claimed town area will actually delete themselves (including chests): this stops the possibility for there to be an old town that was abandoned two years ago.

yeah or maybe enable pvp at nighttime. 

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  On 5/4/2016 at 2:18 AM, Cy11andra said:

So just some ideas... Maybe PvP could only be available at certain times or in certain worlds. Such as only in the Nether, End, and/or Mining worlds. Or maybe only during one week of the month and call it the Purge. Towns would still be safe zones. With the Purge idea you could even keep score of how many kills a player got and award a small prize at the end of the week. Although there would be the chance of people exploiting that with friends so it should only be a small prize. A couple diamonds or a little bit of cash?

I'll keep throwing out ideas as I think of them. Hopefully one of them will catch some interest. ;)

:) the Purge. 

I do not care much for pvp myself but this is not a bad idea for those that are interested. Having a set time, which would have to extend for a couple days, so everyone has the opportunity to participate, would be a good idea to let the ones interested in pvp get their fix while keeping others safe. Or we could even add it as a extra thing to Monster Hunts or something, enable it for a week but only during Monster Hunts. People can hide in their homes or somewhere that is safe during the night then feel free to explore during the day....

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My concern is what if players don't want to pvp? Does that mean during certain times or certain days they are not able to leave their towns? Can't go mining? Cant compete in the monster hunt? If you don't want PvP to collect the player's items why not just arrange to play go to the the PvP arena, then you get to fight with players that also want to PvP. 


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To throw my own opinion in on this.  I think you have a great thought going on Vovik.  Survival is about building and surviving with people from all over.  I think, instead of changing the whole survival experience, there should be some sort of a factions server created.  Whether it be full on factions, or just a survival with pvp and griefing, I think there should be some sort of server for that.  This will allow players to play survival, and survive with nothing but their hands to begin with, but also bring more excitement to the game.

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I agree, I think that  the survival and hardcore experiences are fine as they are now. However, it would be nice to have some kind of faction (original like always, of course :)) to spice the server up a bit.


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I feel obliged to put in my bit.

I, for example, abhor the thought of pvp unless we are totally on equal ground, such as fist to fist, no weapons no armor. Other than that, I would kind of like the Idea of Pvp, as many of you mentioned, it would create more of a sense of "survival" part of the Survival. 

I have an Idea. What if the Hardcore Server was, as it is, entirely pvp; but also add things that Survival has such as mcMMO and such. 

I would, personally, like the idea of having certain "Teams". Once you join a team, members of your "Team" can't hurt you, and yet you can grief the other team and such. you could build towns and even cities that are secured. Now I could get into that :D

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  On 5/4/2016 at 3:57 PM, r4ans0m said:

I would, personally, like the idea of having certain "Teams". Once you join a team, members of your "Team" can't hurt you, and yet you can grief the other team and such. you could build towns and even cities that are secured. Now I could get into that :D

If you are in a /party you cant hurt them its part of mcmmo i believe. But i think you have a great idea. Maybe people from the same town cant hurt each other, but once towns/nations declare war then you could attack other players from different towns/nations.

Edited by Vovik

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  On 5/4/2016 at 12:12 PM, SheTolerance said:

My concern is what if players don't want to pvp? Does that mean during certain times or certain days they are not able to leave their towns? Can't go mining? Cant compete in the monster hunt? If you don't want PvP to collect the player's items why not just arrange to play go to the the PvP arena, then you get to fight with players that also want to PvP. 


You can go outside there's just a risk factor to it now during the night or whenever. Which is what night time in minecraft is all about.

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I don't know a thing about the coding but I'm sure with enough of it, anything could be possible. PvP during Monster Hunt during a certain planned week sounds like a fun time!

Fork said there should be some plugins that allow each player to toggle PvP on or off for themselves. I think this is what he is talking about. Read the features on there! I think it would be perfect to use for this server! :) But if that is used, I personally would like either a list of those participating or a list of those not. Just so I don't go sprinting after someone, hit them on the head with my sword, and be like "Oh. Sup?" XD But again, I don't know how the coding works or how much effort our coder would be willing to put forth to make it possibly happen. It is not a necessity either though. I think it would be pretty funny actually. Lol! With this plugin I think it would be possible to keep PvP enabled all the time or only during Purge hours. But that isn't for me to decide. Just putting my opinion out there. I would love to hear others. :D

But I'll stress my feeling about the Hardcore server again... I don't like the fact that you can grief... If Towny and other plugins were put it, awesome! I just like to keep my stuff safe without worry. I could care less about the stuff I am caring. I know better than to go out in PvP with all my perfectly enchanted mining gear but that is what outposts are for! EDIT: Maybe we should get some of the current Hardcore players in on this forum post. XD

That goes for the regular server as well. If PvP would be enabled all the time, (if I owned my own town) I would make sure to purchase outposts in the Mining world where I can mine without worry of PvP. Towns could easily purchase outposts in the Mining world for their residents to mine in. The best part about it, it comes with a warp command to instantly take you there! Then the mining world also resets every month but the outposts should stay right where they are, so each town can continue to mine in their own little place. I'm sure there would be a fight over the Extreme Hills biomes though. XD

Edited by Cy11andra

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  On 5/3/2016 at 8:41 PM, NickG365 said:

As for PvP in the world, it's something that we've considered before, including the idea of not having players drop their items on death.  Additionally, I've seen in practice that world PvP generally isn't popular in this style of survival server, aside from a few short-lived bursts here and there, and is often only abused to harass players (since there isn't much to be gained with no drops), even with specific rules in place.  Ultimately, we're not looking to be like other survival servers, and would rather provide an experience that our community finds enjoyable.  It's possible that we would make changes to how PvP works on survival in the future if there is more interest, but most players seem to enjoy the more peaceful style at the moment, as supported by the less than occasional use of the PvP arena.

Hardcore is definitely something we'd like to see more interest in, as we feel that it has the potential to be really fun and enjoyable for those seeking an adventure with more risks involved.  I feel that it complements survival quite well by providing a lot of the gameplay points that you mentioned; it's just that there aren't a lot of people interested in the PvP aspect at the moment.  We do have additional plans for improving hardcore in the future, so hopefully we can draw more attention to it after we've had a chance to add some cool new features and objectives to it.


  On 5/4/2016 at 12:12 PM, SheTolerance said:

My concern is what if players don't want to pvp? Does that mean during certain times or certain days they are not able to leave their towns? Can't go mining? Cant compete in the monster hunt? If you don't want PvP to collect the player's items why not just arrange to play go to the the PvP arena, then you get to fight with players that also want to PvP. 



I agree with what Nick and Clare have said about players abusing it or players not wanting to be involved. You may say that people won't, but people will, or measures can be taken but it is always a greater inconvenience to those that do don't want it at all. A lot of people have been saying that they want more of a survival or real minecraft experience and then those same people suggest putting plugins into hardcore to protect stuff, which is fine and definitely a possibility but does not make sense to me. A normal real survival multiplayer experience would be no plugins and the idea of having plugins kind of goes against one of the main arguments for a more real and dangerous experience. Additionally, I do understand that a pvp arena is not the same kind of experience so maybe, after more discussion, a faction server could be added, however 'teams' and protected area is kind of not what normal vanilla survival multiplayer is. Cy11's suggestion for pvptoggle is something that does sound reasonable however and could possible be some kind of middle ground that could be implemented. 

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  On 5/4/2016 at 3:57 PM, r4ans0m said:

I feel obliged to put in my bit.

I, for example, abhor the thought of pvp unless we are totally on equal ground, such as fist to fist, no weapons no armor. Other than that, I would kind of like the Idea of Pvp, as many of you mentioned, it would create more of a sense of "survival" part of the Survival. 

I have an Idea. What if the Hardcore Server was, as it is, entirely pvp; but also add things that Survival has such as mcMMO and such. 

I would, personally, like the idea of having certain "Teams". Once you join a team, members of your "Team" can't hurt you, and yet you can grief the other team and such. you could build towns and even cities that are secured. Now I could get into that :D

just what I was saying before I read this reply. Turn hardcore into PVP and Towny and leave survival as it is then the players have the opportunity to go between the two and it could work

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None that I know of. I know it was pretty popular right after it was added but I think it just started to decrease in popularity and as Nick said they are currently working on fixing that.

  On 5/3/2016 at 8:41 PM, NickG365 said:

We do have additional plans for improving hardcore in the future, so hopefully we can draw more attention to it after we've had a chance to add some cool new features and objectives to it.


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I just wanted to start a new thread so that anyone who wants can suggest their way of how PvP should be implemented into the survival server.


Minecraft goes thru a moon phase every night you can read more about the different moon phases here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Moon



PvP should be enabled only during a new moon that is when the night is at it;s darkest and the most dangerous time adventure. This will give the moon a purpose in the game and this will allow PvP to only be on for a short period of time so it is not too disruptive for those that do not wish to pvp.


On top of that towns that go to war can PvP only outside of their town plots which would be the only exclusion to the new moon rule. Each time a player is killed by another town's member that person obtains their xp personally as well as for the town tally. At the end of the war period which ever town accumulated the most xp wins the war and get's a reward (extra plots possibly).  On the other hand if some towns wish to stay neutral and avoid the wars they can do so and not be bothered.


Ultimately this will bring a whole new exciting aspect to the server and as you said you Nick you don't want this to be a regular survival server. Let's at least try it out. This will keep the peace for those players that wish to remain peaceful except on the one day when there is a new moon comes and the darkness befalls all of minecraft. And for those that want to pvp can have have fun with town wars and enjoy this new war aspect of the game.


Let me know in the comments below what you guys think of this idea or if you have any other cool ways to introduce PvP.

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