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Everything posted by KnightDraakon

  1. I think I should apply to be Emperors Boss
  2. I love the new hard core server esp that creepers do object damage now - its so much better. I've not had anyone try to kill me yet but then I've not actually run into anyone while on the sever either. Its fun join and play
  3. I think you should tnt everything then place lava to remove the rest. Then go to spawn and do wild. Or you can do what I do and just live in the mining world. It resets each month so its a fresh start each month kinda fun really
  4. wow verti we are practically neighbors lol
  5. if you do these challenges do you loss the items like in skyblock?
  6. will do thanks Nick - would ts or forum be best?
  7. Sweet Ill add it to my calendar
  8. I like the idea of having a PVP area but would be worried about trolls sitting just outside the only entry to the nether (or end) and gathering resources that way - would not be a fun situation at all. Maybe set up a designated area (inside the end and nether) or a specific island with a warp for it?
  9. found it - didn't see any boyfriends of any colour - sorry gurlygurl
  10. is it possible to take over an island from someone else - if they want to leave and start a new one? The current owner wants to reset but I don't really want to lose the work i put into it (like all of it lol)
  11. umm but when is soon - and I choose today to go into the office and not work from home
  12. ok i heard there is one now but where is the hint on finding it?
  13. I saw twerking and new it was yours Tem

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