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SCNickNamer last won the day on June 3 2015

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About SCNickNamer

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  1. hmm, in this article (dutch): http://www.at5.nl/artikelen/139058/gamers-bouwen-amsterdam-na-in-minecraft they talk about how a team of builders is building amsterdam city. The article then states that this it is unique that a build is made using google streetview and google maps... I remember us doing something very similar in San Fransisco ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      but i don't speak dutch D:

    3. 9monkeys

      9monkeys Builder

      I was about to get my mom to translate it, then I realized I could just use google translate XD. Are any of you three ( nick , bird, hidden) helping them?

    4. SCNickNamer

      SCNickNamer Builder

      Nope, and I am pretty sure worm and bird arent either. It would be a nice project for them tho, since they live there

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