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Posts posted by Miku

  1. probably can produce cobblestone just as fast



    Well sure, I could make a cobblestone gen that will go twice as fast, but it takes twice as long to mine. Stone breaks quicker, Plus if you have a Eff V pick and a beacon with Haste II, the stone instantly breaks. 

    ;3 I'm sure sure you both get what I was referring to  Heh.

  2. I played WoW too.  My first toon was a human mage that I hated.  My friend suggested that class would be good for me.  I shouldn't have listened.  I did manage to eventually get her up to an 80 though.  I also leveled a rogue, a priest (yay shadow magicks), a paladin (tank), a shaman (melee) etc.  My shaman was my main when I quit but it was fun being a girl with a melee character.


    I played on a pvp server where the ratio between the factions was severely unbalanced.  This is why I hate pvp so much.

    Yeah Horde is the main PVP type. But who can blame them? Horde characters fit the classes for Warlocks alot more than Alliance.

  3. My name Miku comes from a programed singer named Hatsune Miku. However ingame my name is different although I plan to change it when I can.


    The ingame name "Afflictionated" Came from me when I was obsessed with World of Warcraft. My favorite class there , and still is the Warlock. I like dark magics and weird things so I chose the class, Warlocks have three classes


    Affliction, Demonology, and Destruction.


    Affliction is the class that kills targets will poisons, diseases, corruption, DoT Effects, Stuff like that it also hold great dark power.


    Demonology is the class that primarily uses demons to fight while you can also transform yourself into a demon to fight.


    Destruction is the class that uses pure chaos to eliminate foes. Fire, Chaos bolts, however primarily fire moves.


    Of all the classes I chose Affliction because it's freaking awesome. So I tried to Use it as my name, and it wouldnt work. So I then thought of the word "Affiliated" Since i was listening to a song named "Goon Affiliated" By plies at the time. So I crossed Affliction and Affiliated into one word, thus Afflictionated was born. c:

  4. If I can do it, you can do it.  I used to hate skyblock because I'd screw up my lava all the time and quit because I was bad at it.  As of last night, my island was up to level 127 and in 4th place without very many of the fancy blocks.  It's mostly stonebrick and challenges.  Still making some noobish mistakes though.  Like I bought a cow spawn egg not knowing I could get one from a challenge.  It kind of worked out because now I can breed them.  My island partner also made a booboo and now we have a non-working nether portal because he didn't realize you were supposed to claim the challenge while the stuff was in your inventory.  Now we have to wait until we get enough diamonds to take it down and claim the challenge.  :/

    That may be but I would probably only build pixel art. :3

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