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Posts posted by Miku

  1. Just you wait miku! One day I'll get you! I'll get all of you! *jumps out of miku's castle tower and flees.*

    Heh..heheh hehehahaha! Flee! Fleeeeeeeeeeeeeee!



    *Appoints Seagull as Queen*


    We shall rule this section.

  2. Corvettes cost about $65,000 so you'd have an excess of $145,000 left.


    I would spend 200k on it, not just the car itself but on upgrades.


    If I had $1mil, I'd buy me a Lotus 2-Eleven ($70,000), a Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen(< $340,000), a Ferrari 458 ($240,000), a SRT Viper T/A (< $125,000), and go about my business.

    Goodluck paying the insurance on those cars.

  3. No, he did not kill me. Miku and I had an agreement, that I would guard his territory while he was away.

    Lies, This section of the forums is mine and Seagulls, you're just the jester. Now DANCE

  4. In my opinion silk touching spawners should stay away. People can build little building around a spawner and use it for collecting materials from the mobs.


    They could use an outpost to claim it, etc.


    Towns are a bit expensive right now, but once we get more players it will be easier to make money, since you'll have friends and such helping you out.


    100% agree on the Nicknames. *Cough* Husker *cough cough* I want my ign to be miku. ;3

  5. Shush you silly girl, the only reason why you are still alive here is that Miku has gotten to like you. So beware and stay on his good side or you may end up like the rest of those pathetic humans.


    ... Mikuuu.... O^Q



    Sorry Nick, but your time has come. *points at the ground*


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