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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/15 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    And so it begins again

    Le Afk Nubs strike again no longer an endangered species.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    As long as you don't pick a fight you'll do great!
  4. 1 point
    I haven't had anyone try to kill me yet. I think you'd be safe, Meg
  5. 1 point

    Late Night Antics

    Ha ha! Is that like this outfit?
  6. 1 point

    Another Random Husker Post

    I don't really want to do a blog and doing the PickAxis Weekly Updates became so much work that we were spending more time on them than actually working on the servers...so I thought I'd post some random thoughts in this format, in a discussion with you guys on the forums. As you guys probably know, I can ramble, so I'll try to keep these as short as possible. If you have questions, post them below. I'll do my best to answer them. I also hope Nick doesn't kill me for sharing all my secrets *-=-* State of PickAxis *-=-* Right now I can't say enough about the player quality we have on PickAxis. Very rarely do we get trolls and when we do they quickly realize this isn't a place for them. I truly look forward to seeing each of you every night when I get on. We may not have hundreds of players yet, but the quality of our community is already awesome! One of my dreams is to have a higher player count. Why? So we can launch more servers and we need more players to make that possible. We have a lot of cool servers in the pipeline, but we don't want to just have 1-3 players on each one. We want to grow the community and that means having groups of people playing together, building memories, at the same time, on the same server. We've had some players bring some innovative approaches to get more players on and for what you guys have already done, I'm very grateful. For example, vertigolf hosts drop parties on Skyblock on an almost-monthly basis and that has brought in quite a few people. KingPoutine spends countless hours on Twitch trying to get (begging) big streamers to come play with us and bring their fans. These are very innovative ways to get more players in a time in Minecraft when growing your player count isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do. Many thanks to these guys for everything they've done and are yet to do! We are also reading great server and website suggestions on the forums each day. Keep these up! These are shaping PickAxis into something wonderful! TL;DR - Overall, PickAxis is on a great path of growth and I love you guys! *-=-* Summer & Seasons *-=-* Summer...yeah Summer! I know a lot of you will be out of school. If anyone wants to start a new series for YouTube, host some kind of event, or anything else that would be fun...just let us know. Summer is a time for trying out new things. *-=-* New Servers *-=-* We have a new server coming in about 2.5 weeks (if all goes to plan! - no promises*). We've been busy behind the scenes building and planning. If you've been around the forums lately, you'll easily be able to guess which server this is. This next server and the one following it both use the same custom plugin at their root. So, assuming we can start getting more players, we'll be able to release them both within the next couple months (no promises*). Who's excited? This girl. *-=-* Goals *-=-* I know, I know...it's dangerous to set goals publicly...because people can see you fail and ridicule you....so what! I'd rather be a person with goals than a person without. I also want to share my goals with you guys so you can understand my motivations in what we're doing. I don't want to fail, so I will do everything I can to keep failure out of the picture. Want to help me achieve these goals? Go ahead! Be my hero! <3 Alright, here goes: 1) I want to enter the summer (mid-June) with an average of at least 20 players on at most times of the day. 2) I want to end the summer (end of August) with an average of at least 100 players on at most times of the day. Crazy! I know! But let's do it! It's possible! 3) I want to have at least 3 positive surprises for the PickAxis community before the end of the summer (end of August). That's all I have to share at the moment. Please feel free to ask questions below. I want to keep this network a community network and that means being open and growing together. Thanks for being such an important part of my life, both digitally and IRL. - Husker * or else Nick will kill me for putting a date in here. NOTE: I spoke in 1st person for most of this, but I know Nick agrees with all the good points in this message....especially the ones where good grammar was used.
  7. 1 point
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