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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/15 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Yes, I look adorable.

    Rawr! Turtle Taco!!!!!!
  2. 2 points


    I know a lot of you out there have played Skygrid. We've been planning an epic Skygrid server for a few weeks and have a few more weeks of work before it's released...but before we continue working on it we want to make sure we're taking your thoughts and desires into consideration. So, please answer these questions below for us: 1) What MUST PickAxis Skygrid have? 2) What would ruin your Skygrid experience? 3) Fill in the blank: I am __________ excited for PickAxis Skygrid. (Feel free to be honest, we know that some will be super excited and some will hate it.)
  3. 2 points


    What MUST Pickaxis Skygrid have? All blocks available in grid Warp PVP area Silk Touch Spawner pick as a donor perk Animal/Mod Limit is a must for lag Nether Grid
  4. 1 point


    Oh goodness, my eyes... Skygrid looks Overwhelming! xD (So many blocks, but I'm ready for the challenge!) 1. What MUST PickAxis Skygrid have? The game MUST have PVP enabled, I need some adrenaline pumping here! 2. What would ruin My Skygrid experience? PVP not being enabled, and not having the thrill of a chase;) 3. "Fill In The Blank" I am generally and thoroughly Excited for PickAxis Skygrid!
  5. 1 point


    I'll admit I have no idea what skygrid is, but it does sound like a ton of fun. 1) What MUST PickAxis Skygrid have? Something super uber awesome!!! 2) What would ruin your Skygrid experience? idk, never played it to know. 3) Fill in the blank: I am totes ma goats excited for PickAxis Skygrid.
  6. 1 point

    New Staff!

    Hey all! Can't wait to meet all you guys! Some I know from a loooooong time ago, others I can't wait to meet! I look forward to all the abuse! ^.^ Cya round! Lubs always -Uni
  7. 1 point

    New Staff!

    I'll continue my job of watching you guys, I mean lurking on the forums.
  8. 1 point

    New Staff!

    Congrats guys! Do good!
  9. 1 point

    Yes, I look adorable.

    So adorbs
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