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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/14 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Minecraft Summoners Rift

    I'll watch you build it.. c: Eating food. But yeah if you get that built put an M in the middle. Yes. A big blue M :3
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    WorldEdit is now available on the PickAxis Creative server! During alpha, it will be available to all players for testing. If you're new to WorldEdit, you can check out their wiki to get started. There is currently a 6000 block limit per edit, and certain blocks cannot be placed with WorldEdit. Additionally, not all WorldEdit features are enabled. If you come across a feature that you think should be added, please let us know! We're looking forward to seeing some awesome builds!
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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