Hello everyone, I'd like to take some time to address some recent issues we've seen on the SkyBlock server and how we'll be addressing them, as well as gather your feedback on changes we'd like to make. Please keep in mind that PickAxis as a whole is still in alpha, and everything is subject to change at this point. Some issues have cropped up regarding island protection, which was enabled yesterday. Unfortunately, this meant having to remove and re-invite players to your party so that they could build on the island again. Some players got stuck in parties or were unable to remove players from their party. We're not aware of a fix for this at the moment. We plan to implement a new custom SkyBlock plugin soon. At this time, the new plugin does not have challenges or island levels. We will, however, be able to keep your islands. We'd like your feedback on whether or not we should make the switch to the new plugin immediately, or wait until these features have been added. Please vote in the poll above (after carefully reading each question -- you can't change your vote later) and feel free to post a reply if you have any questions, concerns, or comments about these changes. Thanks!