My Fellow Pickaxians,
It's almost time for us to celebrate 4th July in the best way we can... Drop parties and games!
Starting on Saturday 2nd July, and continuing through until Monday 4th July we will be hosting a range of different games and challenges, across all of the PickAxis network servers.
Below is a list of the events that will take place with the times.
Saturday 2nd July - Skyblock Server
8:00PM BST / 3:00PM EDT - Capture the Item: A member of staff will ask you to bring them something, first one to do so wins a prize!
9:00PM BST / 4:00PM EDT - PVP in Skyblock Arena: A range of different PvP battles.
10:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Drop Party Time! Do /warp Drop to experience our famous Drop Party!
11:00PM BST / 6:00PM EDT - Parkour: See if you beat Vertigolf's Challenging Parkour course.
Sunday 3rd July - Survival Server
8:00PM BST / 3:00PM EDT - Sheep Herding: Up to 5 players to get as many sheep in a pen as they can.
9:00PM BST / 4:00PM EDT - PvP in Survival Arena: A range of different PvP battles.
10:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Drop Party Time! Do /warp Drop to run around in a circle and collect all you can!
11:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Spleef: Stay on the slime the longest to win!
Monday 4th July - Various Servers
8:00PM BST / 3:00PM EDT - Survival Games: Last player standing wins, you only have one chance!
9:00PM BST / 4:00PM EDT - Skywars Tournament: Send all the other players flying to win!
10:00PM BST / 5:00PM EDT - Mini Build Contests: Build the best to win!
11:00PM BST / 6:00PM EDT - Team Survival Games/UHC - Work in teams to defeat other players.
There will also be lots of other things going on throughout the weekend and tons of prizes to be won, so be sure to join us!