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helios8385 last won the day on June 19 2018

helios8385 had the most liked content!


About helios8385

  • Rank
    Tree Puncher

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  1. I just had my 30th on the 3rd. What'd you get me?
  2. HA! I like that award... Most time spent playing... congrats Ebed!
  3. a UHC event has been discussed and if one doesn't happen, I would be very very surprised. Talked to Nick and Husker about it on multiple occassions, at least the mechanics of how it would run. So yea, its coming. =-D dont know when though.
  4. Well, we technically DO have a prison server... meet me on Survival and I'll just do /jail. =-D
  5. Helios, drop a hint on the new BC? :D

  6. Behold, the cult of Husker. Where they worship the Lobby Gods... One of their members missed their mark.
  7. I'll sign up. Not entirely sure at the moment I can make it, but I'd like to be able to if I can. senor helios8385
  8. PVP while fighting the dragon, fun! But, let's have a concrete time for the dragon spawn so people can plan for it. Make an event from it.
  9. I agree, no PVP if you're in flight... Can't be brought into it and can't start it from flight.
  10. Spring.... I demand to see Spring, now!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      i want the same warm temperature every single day...ever.

    3. pokeball92870


      California- screw the seasons we do whatever weather we feel xD

    4. ninjabou

      ninjabou Revered

      i really like winter actually :(

  11. The elves of PickAxis have been hard at work over this past holiday season, most recently setting out to judge the entries for the Winter Wonderland build contest. There were quite a few awesome builds, and the elves have selected their new home for the next year! First Place SCNickNamer $50 store credit & 500 tokens Second Place Bird $30 store credit & 450 tokens Third Place NEKOMENACE2 $20 store credit & 400 tokens Honorable Mention gsdcs29615 300 tokens Honorable Mention 9monkeys 300 tokens And finally, all entrants who finalized their plots with /plot done will receive 100 tokens. Thanks to everyone who took part in building and visiting our own little winter wonderland! Keep an eye out for our next build contest! View full announcement
  12. Hey everyone. Build contest results are delayed due to Comcast internet issues. I promise they'll be calculated and published Friday, Dec. 9!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Korexas

      Korexas Builder

      No, I'm sure he ment December 9th.

    3. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Lack of internet makes calendaring hard.

    4. Mighty_Jak


      Why dont i ever win....

  13. The elves of PickAxis have been hard at work over this past holiday season, most recently setting out to judge the entries for the Winter Wonderland build contest. There were quite a few awesome builds, and the elves have selected their new home for the next year! First Place SCNickNamer $50 store credit & 500 tokens Second Place Bird $30 store credit & 450 tokens Third Place NEKOMENACE2 $20 store credit & 400 tokens Honorable Mention gsdcs29615 300 tokens Honorable Mention 9monkeys 300 tokens And finally, all entrants who finalized their plots with /plot done will receive 100 tokens. Thanks to everyone who took part in building and visiting our own little winter wonderland! Keep an eye out for our next build contest!

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PickAxis strives to provide an enjoyable, unique, and high-quality experience across the various servers in our network. Join us today; your adventure awaits!


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