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Posts posted by HOOOSK

  1. What kind of servers would you like on PickAxis?


    Take the poll above and let us know.

    If you chose "Other" in the first question, please let us know below what you would like.


    The results from this poll won't guarantee that the winning servers will be added.  Instead this gives us a better idea of which servers would be a better fit for our community.

  2. "I wish that I was getting paid for going to university"

    Everyone would want to go university and there would be no places.

    I wish I had a Ferrari.


    For the price of a Ferrari, you could feed 57 mal-nourished villages for a year.




    I wish this rotten banana on my desk would throw itself away.

  3. [EDIT: Please read about our Ambassador program here.]

    ^^^ CLICK HERE ^^^





    Hey PickAxers! --> idk if that's what we call ourselves :P


    Since we are only in alpha atm, we don't have official applications or rules to become an official or [Twitch] rank.

    In the meantime, I'm creating this forum post for everyone to share their youtube and streaming channels.


    This isn't a place to discuss your channels, just promote them.  

    I recommend the follow for follow technique...if a PickAxis player subscribes/follows you, follow them back. Let's spread the love.


    I'll post my youtube/twitch info below as an example of what to post here.  All miscellaneous replies to this post which are not sharing links to your channels will likely be deleted.

    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/huskergirlkc1


    Twitch: http://www.huskergirl.tv

  4. PickAxis Skyblock Players:

    We have a new Skyblock plugin! This plugin is MUCH more stable and will help keep your islands safer.


    Q: Do I lose my island that I've started?

    A: No. Post here who your island leader is and everyone on your island. We will move your island over to the new plugin. You must do /is create in the new system for us to know where put your island.

    Q: Do I have to use the island I was working on or can I start new?

    A: You can start with a fresh island if you'd like.

    Q: I've noticed the new starter islands is bigger than the last starter islands.

    A: Yes, the new islands are larger. When we move your old island over, we will compensate you for the extra items the new starter islands have.

    Q: What are the differences in the new Skyblock plugin?

    A: Since we started from ground zero with this new plugin we are still lacking 1 feature: island levels. For the time being work towards finishing your challenges and the island levels will be added at a later date. Watch the Skyblock forums for an update on this feature.

    Please post any questions/comments you may have below and we will our best to respond quickly. Thank you for understanding this process we must go through to ensure that PickAxis is as optimal an experience as we can provide.- Pickaxis Staff

    Click here to view the announcement

About PickAxis

PickAxis strives to provide an enjoyable, unique, and high-quality experience across the various servers in our network. Join us today; your adventure awaits!


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