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Everything posted by Fokemaster

  1. Just finished Duel Destinies, yay me! ^_^

  2. Ahhhhh, Childhood<3

  3. My brain is on overload, there is too much music in here

    1. Miku

      Miku Forum Mod

      Let the music consume you

    2. Seagull195


      Let it engulf you in wonderfulness

  4. Miss Lacy~ *curtsies*

  5. Alright, I'm not going to lie, I'm addicted ;;

  6. No idea who are, leave me alone. I mean, heya shaf ;D
  7. I have a feeling this is qouting some song (N0 idea what :/), anyway, happy to make your aqcuintance.
  8. I'm sorry, I have no idea who you are, ma'am
  9. Addicted to music, yay me~

    1. Miku
    2. Korexas

      Korexas Builder

      music for tha win

    3. Fokemaster


      Music is the best~

      I have SOOOOOOOoooooooo many lyrics stuck in my head right now though XD

  10. Ohmyitspoofhtejonfanellothere!
  11. Ello Birdy. Twjilt, Twijlt.
  12. Heya Sky! Glad to see you're here!!
  13. In survival there is /starter which a player can use very Eight (Perhaps it's 12) Hours. It gives them armor, logs, cobble, along with few other items.
  14. Well, we do have teamspeak, so you could log into the teamspeak channel while in creative on the server. Of course, that is no way the same as what you're asking.
  15. Might I say the same to you, Blaze! Glad to see you came along!
  16. Why, thank you! Glad to be here.
  17. Fokemaster


    Hey guys, so I'm Fokem. I'm sure like, ALL of you should know me by this point (and by that I mean probably none of you guys). In any case, by the time I'm done here, yall should ;D So, yup, I'm not very exciting, not much to say. I'm planning on hanging 'round creative for the most part. And I can't wait to see all of you guys on the server! (Oh, and I like Pink, and suits, and pink suits)

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