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Everything posted by Miku

  1. *Pokes your head, and points at sebby down the hill* My hill 0w0
  2. But.. But..But Ben-San do I have to be strict all the time? T wT
  3. Slap it with a stick. It'll die
  4. I play the drum set. Cause I'd rather bang on an instrument than blow on one. o3o
  5. I'll watch you build it.. c: Eating food. But yeah if you get that built put an M in the middle. Yes. A big blue M :3
  6. It should only be used to contact owners for help though.
  7. Can i use World edit to craft a picture of a picture inside a picture of a picture on the wall with a picture?
  8. Yes, It makes sense. :3 Sell some human hearts while you're at it. Probably summoned an army of withers and killed one of them leaving the rest to havoc the hell out of the island worlds until there was nothing but islands looking like swiss cheese with holes in them everywhere.
  9. Yep. And Imma find dis one too. HUE
  10. Now put a huge ass sky blue M on it for Miku. Because yolo. Nice job.
  11. Get a break from work. Still get paid. Hue hue.

  12. Just 4 me doe. Imma mine the entire end.
  13. Yes, and I am saying that it should cost money to use it
  14. I think the End is already Accessible you pay 75$ to go there. If you are referring just to an enderpearl farm in general, then perhaps. But it should cost extra to use it if it is public.
  15. I don't play Clash of Clans. But make sure you make Miku known o/
  16. California. You're welcome.
  17. To Create massive flower fields.
  18. Never seen an armor stand. Would be interesting to use o3o
  19. Lol what? All I heard was Obama. >:3

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