- This thread is to post what you're music you are currently listening to. Share what songs you listen to use only youtube music and .[media]- tags. ****Warning**** Do not use this for post count spam, or the post may be removed, and the post count from the Off Topic Section
Example ^
Temtia had a resource pack and took a pic of my house... THEN Temtia took a pic of Player: Zhirongpro NOW, with scar's shader pack. He took some really cool screenies FRONT: MY HOUSE INSIDE THE ROAD THE SUNSET ALL THIS IS TAKEN FROM Scarfacekilla95's town! To find out what town (Because the name might change) : Type /Res Scarfacekilla95
Going to have to watch what they add in. You can get a lot of of sugarcane and cactus, also eggs. Everything has to be a balanced amount so no one get's too much money fast. However, there are plans for adding additional items to sell in the future. Just be patient
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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