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mpclass3 last won the day on February 24 2016

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About mpclass3

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    Coal Member

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  1. May I ask when the "points per skyblock level" was changed? I was gaining island points rather well and now, instead of 100 points per level, it's like 1000.
  2. mpclass3

    Build contest

    I was chatting with SheTolerance and the idea came up about a build contest within skyblock. Some ideas were to start a new (additional) skyblock build contest area. Give a limited number of blocks (like 1 double chest), limits to the type of blocks, etc. The contest might also be held on your specific islands and you would submit a build for the contest. Anyone have some ideas on this?
  3. You need to be filthy rich...like me.
  4. Huge thanks to everyone who attended our party. We had fun. Games, contests and prizes!!! We topped it off with fireworks. Thanks again everyone!
  5. It's less than 7 hours till our drop party. SPECIAL ANNOUNCMENT: Our head to head trivia contest has been ramped up with the winner earning $5000.00 in game dollars!!!!!
  6. We're upping our game! EVERY SINGLE PLAYER WHO ATTENDS WILL BE GIFTED $250.00 IN GAME DOLLARS! Even if you do nothing at the party, you're gonna get Pickaxis $$$! We're also having a trivia contest. You can choose to go head to head with any player you wish. The winner gets a diamond block. The loser has to jump into THE VOID!!!! (You get to put everything in a chest before you go.) Hey, it's a "drop" party, right?!?! lol Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 29th!
  7. We're pumping things up with a special announcement! We're having a "Best Skin" contest. Winner gets Silk Touch Book, Unbreaking 3 Book and $500 in game dollars! We're also having a sheep sheering contest at my sheep farm. You will have 90 seconds to get as many wool as possible. Winner gets a mystery enchanted book and $250 in game dollars.
  8. Our island is approaching level 5000 and we are pushing to reach that level by February 29th so me and my island mates are putting together a drop party on our Skyblock Island on Monday, February 29th at 2:00 pm EST. Everyone is invited. We have all manner of items to "drop." Advanced players and beginner Skyblock-ist will want to attend. Come help us celebrate at Nutter Butter Island! mpclass3 tmntmaster2002 visualcape1
  9. Is there a way to get coal ore? I would love the ability to buy it in the shop or earn it through a challenge. Also, a challenge for podzoil would be grand.
  10. Use snow as a cheap way to pillar out over the void for building. More economical than watching all that cobble dropping into the void. If you're using it as scaffolding, anything that drops onto your build can be recrafted into snow blocks again. Also a cheap building material for new builds. Mob grinder, iron farm...you name it.
  11. I would love to see a community enderman farm!
  12. Maybe you could do categories. Like, Largest, Most User Friendly, Most Unique, Most Fun, Best Overall, etc., etc..
  13. That's cool. I'll just keep building. lol
  14. I was wondering if a list of the top 25 island levels are available for Skyblock? I've been at 25 for quite a while. Just wondering if I could see how far I need to go to get to 24 and so on.

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