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Posts posted by Sullear

  1. If anyone wishes to join me in this game just add Sullear as a friend.  I only do private matches with friends when they are on.  So we can do training....have some fun...a few laughs...it can be a lot of fun if you like it enough.

  2. Seems like something is off with monster hunt scoring.   For example just now....some of my kills did not count...couple spiders, a creeper, couple skellies.   Its like there is now a range limit when using a bow.  Sword kills are no problem but at certain ranges with a bow its hit or miss if you get the score for the kill.  It's becoming frustrating when those kills are the difference between high score and nothing at all.  Now I am good with a bow...it is my primary weapon so if I can see it I can hit it. So if just feels like bow users are seeing a restriction.

  3. I know there are some that play CS:GO.  BUT.  I was wondering if anyone has ever played or would like to join me in playing some Combat Arms.  I know its not the greatest of games but it can be very enjoyable.  I could even make a private invite only room for us if enough people want to play.  Melee only, sniper battles, SnD, CTF, and more.  Getting a bit of a want for some old school gonna shoot you in the face and have a laugh together type time.


    I warn you:  I am no slouch at this particular game.  I have been in clans from the casual gamer to the hardcore.  I am a certified legit gamer, also known as LGC certified.  Means my computer has been randomly tested by an independent group to certify that there are no hacks or cheats of any kind on my system.  That and i am not half bad with a sniper too.  lol


    If you are interested let me know.  Link for the game is below.  Free to play.



  4. Player made spawn farms will not work.  I have tested it a few times already.  And just standing in my skelly spawn room does not work either.  It seems to ONLY count the randomly spawned mobs in the wild and not the ones from spawners.  Technically they are not random spawns but generated ones.


    Now....a non-spawner mob farm just might work.  Have to test that out.

  5. There is nothing that PickAxis can do about this.  This is the voting site's issue.  Only thing you can really do is try a different browser or clearing cache before voting.  As you stated/quoted they are aware of an issue but as far as I can tell and have seen is the captcha works fine.  It wont show if you have already voted within the limit sometimes.

  6. If you used /warp mining or the mining portal then you are in the mining world.  There is no other way to get in it than that.   You will also see an on screen message in chat  when you leave mining world spawn.  There are plenty of on screen announcements in chat about the mining world.  If you missed them then you had your chat off or were not paying attention.


    Sorry this happened to you but not sure there is much more staff can do besides hold you hand and show you around.

  7. Well...I do know that Husker and I had a conversation about adding a plugin that would let you earn money with in game time played.  I have see this plug in in action on the server I was admin on before here and it works well and is very customizable.  And we discussed a few other ideas that will improve economy.  Just takes time to implement.


    Low population.   There are a variety of reasons for that.  One thing to consider is people work, have school, or a number of responsibilities.  While that does not help improve players online, you have to at least respect people who can put real life before virtual.  Word of mouth and maybe more aggressive advertising would help.  A lot ties in to getting people on the server....and just as much to keeping them on.   With numerous play styles available here there are a lot on....just spread out.  If I understood correctly there is a new play style in the works too so that can help to.


    I will agree though that the Admin shop needs work.  But without a steady player base any economy is going to struggle.   Just sticking with it and helping it grow will help.


    Just my thoughts.

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