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Twisted last won the day on January 11 2015

Twisted had the most liked content!

About Twisted

  • Rank
    Coal Member

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  1. stepping down. have fun guys.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. benpenguin2

      benpenguin2 Revered

      We will all miss you, hopefully we will see each other again.

    3. Twisted


      cheers and ben you will still see me brah

    4. Korexas
  2. yo happy bday for the other day bro

  3. welcome to the server im sorry you had to go threw the hassle of finding staff in game to get your post approved
  4. all you have to do is talk to me for more then 5 seconds to understand why i have my name
  5. need more ppl on when i play :/ its always empty lol

  6. also in future if something like this happens you can do /is to go directly back to your island.
  7. would it be possible to have the stay/keep me loged in option added to the forums so when i click off the page for 5 min i dont have to keep logging back in

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