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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Helloooo! I'm Ender, for my whole Minecraft life I have played skygrid and even become staff on another skygrid server... I have noticed that yall are releasing a skygrid soon. So when skygrid is released feel free to ask me questions in game or here as I know the ins and outs of skygrid.
  2. 1 point


    So with huge huge thanks to Husker and Nick, I now have my own account!! So now nobody needs to ask "Which one is it?" And Zach no longer needs to check the time to see who it is! Both myself and Marc have talked about getting separate accounts since he decided to concentrate on survival, whereas I prefer Skyblock. We will still work together on the island... but that is my baby!! For anyone that doesn't know, I'm Clare, I'm from the UK and can be found on the Skyblock server most days. Always here to help where I can and always up for a chat. (typing that is... not quite over my phobia of talking using my mouth!!) I can confirm that this has not changed my actual relationship with the almighty ZTolerance... Just means we might use the the server to actually talk to each other Clare x
  3. 1 point
    Yea! I'll help you out I love skygrid and I'd like to forever escape the stress of the other server if you know what I mean c: so I'll be here a lot.
  4. 1 point
    Looking forward to it! I have never played skygrid before so it should be interesting
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