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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Favorite Anime Genres.

    Doug -> I was always his Patti Mayonnaise <3 Daria Captain Planet Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Inspector Gadget Ren & Stimpy -> Which led to LOG! It's anime---ated.
  2. 1 point

    Survival Challenges

    Here's an idea for a special challenge. Name it : TheMikuChallenge Objective: Die 1337 Times. Reward: Nothing, you cheeky cheeky scrub. Stop dying. No but for real Name: EliteMiner Objective: Get a stack of the following items; Coal Ore, Coal, Coal Block, Iron Ore, Iron ingot, Iron Block, Gold Ore, Gold ingot, Gold Block, Lapis Ore, Lapis, Lapis Block, Redstone Ore, Redstone, Redstone Block, Diamond Ore, Diamond, Diamond Block, Emerald Ore, Emerald, Emerald Block, and Qaurtz Ore, Quartz, and Quartz Block. I think thats a fairly challenging special one. Reward: Something Good.
  3. 1 point

    Favorite Anime Genres.

    All right, I updated my view list, Code Geass Cowboy Bebop Death Note Gintama The devil is a partimer Mirai Nikki Mushishi Tokyo Ghoul Steins;Gate Full metal Alchemist brotherhood ae no excorcist Sword art online (was a let down after the first "arc" episode 14 or something) *Some Ghibli films (also fun to watch) Any recomendations based on these?
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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