Just imagine getting to fly around on a pet Pegasus that you hatched out of a custom name tag of the name of your Pegasus, or maybe a cute little baby slime that follows you around. I think pets would be a great add-on to Skyblock and something that could be bought by money in game or in real life. ~Thanks for reading! Kalverum_Rex
the maps are very well made and fit for sky block , they are very fun and playable. Some of the kits are over powered and can be very annoying on other players view because of how (op) they are like assassin and avenger. the kits need to be checked so they are not as op as they are now. But overall the maps and kit names and the perks you get with the kits are wide a fun .
This is just the starting blocks of the network. Its not gonna be the same as paradise and i would like people to stop expecting it to be. The network is only in open alpha it is not the finished product. The owners need to first make the building blocks of a network and then work their way from there until they can start getting creative with their game type designing.
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