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Posts posted by Wombat

  1. Just like the same thing w/ experthunter and everything, because it's in monsterhunter but It's not in experthunter or any of the other hunter challenges, but Just make the spiderhunter challenge NOT require Several thousand spider eyes But like a stack or two would be cool ya feel me. It could be /c c spiderhunter1 and /c c spiderhunter2 Where 1 is inventory of string, And 2 is like 4 stacks of eyes? Idk :3

  2. If you have cooked salmon, it counts as cooked fish and you can finish the challenge, but It doesn't take the salmon away from you. So You could theoretically spam it over and over and over. :3 Just Letting you all know again :3

  3. I went to Diamonds1358's island to test if I could do the netherportal challenge without having one of my own, and It let me. I assume the same thing may happen with /c c homeowner, but I didn't test that. The error popped up: "You must be on your own island to use that command!" but it gave me the money, sword, and experience anyway. Just letting you know :3

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