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Status Updates posted by sica

  1. I <3 Chicken Jockeys. They make me laugh.

    1. helios8385

      helios8385 Guide

      too bad i can't seem to catch one without them disappearing

  2. I found my house on the google map! So detailed. http://i.imgur.com/VbOUhLI.png

  3. I worked 8 hours yesterday and worked another 4 from home. I came in this morning to an engineer throwing a fit about a rim size 1/2 an inch smaller than what he wanted. He should have specified the first time and they had confirmed the size I used for me the last time we tested these. Jerks.

    1. sica


      Oh, I work at a company that tests tires for traction and UTQG, just fyi. The engineer was one of our clients.

  4. I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell! They'd banish -- you know! How dreary to be somebody! How public like a frog To tell one's name the livelong day To an admiring bog!

    1. Dansors

      Dansors Guide

      One of my favourite poems by Emily Dickinson :D

    2. sica


      I love Emily Dickinson. I don't know why it just popped in my head today.

  5. Lol I may be old but not too old to rage quit. I needed a break after dying twice today and losing all my diamond stuff and everything in my inventory. *sigh* I miss /back. lol

  6. Ok, I may be logging in for the first time this weekend so lookout!

  7. pleasebedramafreepleasebedramafreepleasebedramafreepleasebedramafree

    1. Dansors

      Dansors Guide


    2. Fokemaster



    3. sica


      Nobody made you try to read it. :P

  8. Rain, rain go away! Wait, wait... wrong song.

  9. Random religious person is now following me on Twitter. I'm an agnostic. Weirdos!

    1. sica


      Let me clarify that I am not calling religious people weirdos. I just think following random people with no obvious logic strange.

  10. Two more weeks then I'll be off a week and a half for Christmas break!

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Isn't that the BEST motivator, ever?

    2. pokeball92870
  11. Wasn't a fan of skyblock at first but now I think I'm an addict.

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      YES! Welcome to the insanity!

  12. You need your builder rank on the website.

  13. Enjoying Minecraft again. Thank you for creating a place I can. :)

  14. I wonder how many people would unfriend me on FB if I said having friends takes too much effort. :P lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sica


      I'm guessing mucho anime/manga schtuffs.

    3. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      I wouldn't unfriend you, because I feel the same way.

    4. Miku

      Miku Forum Mod

      Nah Sica. More than that

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