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Status Updates posted by sica

  1. Two more weeks then I'll be off a week and a half for Christmas break!

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      Isn't that the BEST motivator, ever?

    2. pokeball92870
  2. I worked 8 hours yesterday and worked another 4 from home. I came in this morning to an engineer throwing a fit about a rim size 1/2 an inch smaller than what he wanted. He should have specified the first time and they had confirmed the size I used for me the last time we tested these. Jerks.

    1. sica


      Oh, I work at a company that tests tires for traction and UTQG, just fyi. The engineer was one of our clients.

  3. I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there's a pair of us -- don't tell! They'd banish -- you know! How dreary to be somebody! How public like a frog To tell one's name the livelong day To an admiring bog!

    1. Dansors

      Dansors Guide

      One of my favourite poems by Emily Dickinson :D

    2. sica


      I love Emily Dickinson. I don't know why it just popped in my head today.

  4. Random religious person is now following me on Twitter. I'm an agnostic. Weirdos!

    1. sica


      Let me clarify that I am not calling religious people weirdos. I just think following random people with no obvious logic strange.

  5. I wonder how many people would unfriend me on FB if I said having friends takes too much effort. :P lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sica


      I'm guessing mucho anime/manga schtuffs.

    3. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      I wouldn't unfriend you, because I feel the same way.

    4. Miku

      Miku Forum Mod

      Nah Sica. More than that

  6. You need your builder rank on the website.

  7. Rain, rain go away! Wait, wait... wrong song.

  8. Wasn't a fan of skyblock at first but now I think I'm an addict.

    1. HOOOSK

      HOOOSK Owner

      YES! Welcome to the insanity!

  9. I <3 Chicken Jockeys. They make me laugh.

    1. helios8385

      helios8385 Guide

      too bad i can't seem to catch one without them disappearing

  10. pleasebedramafreepleasebedramafreepleasebedramafreepleasebedramafree

    1. Dansors

      Dansors Guide


    2. Fokemaster



    3. sica


      Nobody made you try to read it. :P

  11. I found my house on the google map! So detailed. http://i.imgur.com/VbOUhLI.png

  12. Enjoying Minecraft again. Thank you for creating a place I can. :)

  13. Lol I may be old but not too old to rage quit. I needed a break after dying twice today and losing all my diamond stuff and everything in my inventory. *sigh* I miss /back. lol

  14. Ok, I may be logging in for the first time this weekend so lookout!

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