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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hey all, As we are once again a month further i would like to organize another dropparty. To make my droppartys not to boring i will remove all not iron objects from the dropper and start filling it with alot of iron. The items that get donated in it will be stored in boxes in the dropper room until next dropparty! Since i have 16 working iron block iron farms this will not be a real problem i can achieve half a stack a day probably. Enough gloating. When: saturday 30th May 22:00 CEST, -> 3 or 4 pm EST Where: play.pickaxis.com @ /server skyblock @ /warp dp Countdown: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/party?iso=20150530T22&p0=1307&msg=Vertigolf%27s+Ultimate+Iron+Dropparty&csz=1&swk=1 BE THERE FOR DEM IRON P.S. i am currently looking for more events fill in the poll about what should come first
  2. 1 point

    New Staff!

    Hey all! Can't wait to meet all you guys! Some I know from a loooooong time ago, others I can't wait to meet! I look forward to all the abuse! ^.^ Cya round! Lubs always -Uni
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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