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Posts posted by Lilabounce

  1. Hello and welcome to Pickaxis! Its great to have a new player to the server!  Also if you have any questions just ask, see you around!


    ~ Lauren or gsdcs29615

    Thanks for the welcome! <3

    I'll be sure to say hi if I see you around! :)

  2. Welcome Lilabounce,


    We are a smaller community than a fair amount of them, but I like to think what we lack in players we have in being a totally awesome, bad ass community ;). Usually during the weekday there is a bit less people on, as a good amount of us have daily things we need to take care of, but we are always welcoming of new players. I hope to see you on sometime today or this week. Also hope you feel better, being sick sucks!



    That's great to hear, especially since that's the kind of server I've been looking for! :D

    And don't I know that being sick sucks D:

    Thanks for the welcome! <3


    Welcome and I look forward to seeing you around on the servers in time to come!

    What's your favourite game mode? I prefer skyblock but tend to pop into survival and hardcore a bit too



    Thanks for the welcome! <3

    I think my favourite game mode has to be survival, but I do like pretty much every other game mode too :P




    Hi Lila! 


    Welcome to PickAxis! It's always awesome to see new faces and hear that they love our community as much as I do. As Bill said, we are a smaller server, but quality, not quantity! I've been on many servers and have only found a few I can tolerate enough to play on. PickAxis is absolutely my favorite one (yes I am a bit biased   :P  ) and has always felt like home. 


    My favorite gamemode is Skyblock, but as soon as Skygrid is out I will be haunting over there as well. I'm in the U.S. and work nights so I'm usually on early afternoon or late, late night EST. Not sure how that meshes up with your timezone, but I hope to see you on. I try to be helpful (and funny    B)  ), so holler if you need any help    :)




    Wow, you posted just before I posted my response to the other two, so I didn't see it! xD (Don't want to double post, so I'll edit this in :3)

    I'm personally in GMT/BST, but I tend to play at odd times throughout the day, depending on how bored of life I am xD

    Hope to see you around!

  3. Well hey there! I'm Lilabounce, a teenager from the UK, who joined this server... Today! (And by joined, I mean I logged on for like 10 minutes to have a look around xD)


    I found this place whilst looking for a new server to play on, and I'm quite impressed!

    As I said, I was only on for about 10 minutes, and though there were very few people online, I still had some people welcome me to the server! (Which is more than I can say for most servers :P)


    I'm hoping to become quite active on this server, as I may have finally found the right server for me! :D


    I'll probably hop back online again later, and I hope to see some more friendly faces! :)


    A bit about me now, I guess:


    I LOVE video games! (I'm mainly a pc gamer, but I do play on console as well)

    I pretty much live on the internet, as I've been off school for a while with various illnesses. (Before anyone comments on this: No, I'm not going to die or anything, I'm just not a particularly well person :/)

    My favourite genres for anything are fantasy and sci-fi.

    Oh yeah! And since I haven't mentioned it yet, I'm a girl :P


    I think I've covered all of the basics...



    Yeah! Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you in game soon! <3

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PickAxis strives to provide an enjoyable, unique, and high-quality experience across the various servers in our network. Join us today; your adventure awaits!


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