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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/15 in Announcements

  1. 2 points
    The elves of PickAxis have been hard at work over this past holiday season, most recently setting out to judge the entries for the Winter Wonderland build contest. There were quite a few awesome builds, and the elves have selected their new home for the next year! First Place SCNickNamer $50 store credit & 500 tokens Second Place Bird $30 store credit & 450 tokens Third Place NEKOMENACE2 $20 store credit & 400 tokens Honorable Mention gsdcs29615 300 tokens Honorable Mention 9monkeys 300 tokens And finally, all entrants who finalized their plots with /plot done will receive 100 tokens. Thanks to everyone who took part in building and visiting our own little winter wonderland! Keep an eye out for our next build contest!
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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