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    Fresh Spawn

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    United Kingdom BIATCH

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  1. No offence but the day Wii U was relased even Xbox 360 had more consoles sold
  2. The Rules are as follows: 1.Read the last wish made by someone 2.Quote that post and say why that would suck by putting a simple of detailed twist on it 3.Make a New Wish 4.Then simply let the fun continue Such as this demonstration below 'I wish for a million dollars' 'You're robbed the next day and now have no money' I wish to be able to fly 'You crash and die tragically' I wish for unlimited ice coffee So on and so forth so let me start this thread off I WISH FOR EVERY SUPER POWER POSSIBLE Now It's You're Turn
  3. Its not 15 its a 30 minute kick on there I was kicked earlier after 30 minutes when i went for dinner and came back
  4. S Sway there is a plug in called mypet which I haven't seen bug out before and you can pretty much have anything as a pet even Human or Giant if you change the plugins things mcdoodle
  5. You only ever loose half hunger at spawn no less
  6. That honestly looks really good, and a lot of fun
  7. actually if you set your is home in water you don't die which is handy

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