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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/15 in Announcements

  1. 1 point
    We hope you enjoyed the temporary challenges we had in March (PaperMill, TheArrow, & Recycled). You voted and chose to keep TheArrow permanently. It's been slightly changed, but is now a permanent part of the Special challenges on Skyblock. For April, we have 3 new temporary challenges: We are also introducing something that will help you keep track of how many monthly challenges you finish. With each completion you also receive a pink wool. This item will change each month. Make a trophy room, show off your collection, brag about your pink wool, or just throw it off the edge. It's up to you. Do you like April's challenges? Are you happy TheArrow is here to stay? Do you like the monthly extra item (April: pink wool) idea? Let us know in the comments.
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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