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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/16 in Announcements

  1. 1 point

    Dirt Build Contest Winners!

    After showering off all of that dirt, the judges have finally chosen winners for the Dirt Build Contest! 1st Place Benpenguin2 40 Coins 2nd Place LettieT 30 Coins 3rd Place (Tie) PlatinumWolf 20 Coins 3rd Place (Tie) IntenseMoose 20 Coins Honorable Mention Best Use of Redstone Demoneyes2013 300 tokens Honorable Mention Best Dirt Blending JasonPrimate 300 tokens Honorable Mention Made Us LOL C_rex101 300 tokens We had a hard time deciding who the winners would be for this contest, there were actually quite a few creative uses of dirt and fun builds, even beyond our winners and honorable mentions listed here. In addition to the prizes above, all participants who finalized their plots with /plot done will receive 100 tokens. Thanks to everyone who took part in finding new and interesting ways to use dirt and creating some cool builds for this contest!
This leaderboard is set to Los Angeles/GMT-08:00
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